Friday, June 12, 2015

Bill does not allow institutional advertising campaigns … – iOnline

A proposed law does not allow institutional advertising campaigns State in RTP


Miguel Silva Journal i 11/06/2015 17 : 25: 04


Both RTP as the RDP, which belong to the group and RTP Radio Television Portugal, are 100% owned by the state.


The draft law laying down the rules and obligations of transparency in institutional advertising campaigns of the State, which was Thursday discussed and voted in the art, does not allow the realization of these campaigns in RTP and RDP.


According to an amendment to the final version of the diploma proposal, proposed by PSD and CDS-PP and Thursday approved by majority parties in the Committee for Ethics, Citizenship and Communication, “is not allowed carrying out institutional advertising campaigns in state media mostly held by public authorities “.


Both RTP as the RDP, which belong to the group and RTP Radio Television Portugal, are 100% owned by the state.


Inês Medeiros, Member of the Socialist Party, said during the meeting that the Commission regrets “deeply” decided to change the law proposal, the impact it will have on the dissemination of cultural events – especially in RTP2, where it is commonly perform – and “sacrifice once again the public radio and television”


On the other hand, also said the MP, told Lusa after the meeting, institutional campaigns of the state as the fighting domestic violence, for example, are also at risk of being excluded from the media of public capital .


Both the PS and the PCP abstained in the vote for all the amendments in this law, to be voted in plenary on the 19th of June.


On the same date, it is planned to final vote on the bill that regulates the promotion of transparency of ownership and management of the entities pursuing social communication activities, which was also on Thursday approved the specialty.






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