Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Spanish police help PSP with tourists at Easter – The Ball


                         “Those who whistled Iniesta have no shame ‘- Hiddink – The picker from the Netherlands, Guus Hiddink, was deeply angry and disillusioned with the Dutch fans who whistled the average Andrés Iniesta, on Tuesday, during particular between the two selections.
 “At first I did not notice, but suddenly realized that they were whistling Iniesta and I was very angry. Those who did not have shame because refereed someone who is a great person, a great sportsman and a great footballer, in this order, “Hiddink said in statements to the Spanish press.
 The Dutch picker know the reason whistles the average Spanish.
 “If anyone thinks he stole the World to the Netherlands, then it is a petty person. Spain won the game with a goal from Iniesta, who fulfilled its obligation, as did Van Persie and Robben in Brazil. I do not agree with whistles, do not understand and do not approve of. ”

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Hidden Metro 20 million of the reports and accounts – Journal News

The Metropolitano de Lisboa hid their reports and accounts the withdrawal of security and automatic driving system on the Red Line, which left this infrastructure dependent only of drivers. While asked about the dismantling of equipment, estimated at more than EUR 20 million and that were in operation since 2000, as reported yesterday by JN, the company kept quiet about its decision.

In the last decade, the Metro never shaped in any of its annual reports the reasons that led to the disappearance of ATP / ATO system (Automatic Train Protection / Automatic Train Operation), with the extension of the Red Line -. to San Sebastian and Portela Airport

Read more in and-paper or in the print edition

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Pac-Man came to Google Maps – IGN Portugal

If you go to Google Maps now and loading up on the lower right corner, you can play Pac-Man through the streets near your house.

Since there are enough streets that portion of the map for a decent game Pac-Man, the game starts.

This is not the first appearance of Pac-Man on Google services. In 2010, we could play Pac-Man on Google Doodle.

More about Pac-Man terrorizing the streets land? See Pixels movie trailer, which opens on August 13 in Portugal.

Pedro Ferreira is passionate about all that is sport, Linkaholic, content producer IGN Portugal and a social animal leisure. You can follow him onpedro_scb

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Is Pac-Man fan? Play on your street – Journal News

In 2010, the game made famous in the 80s was the Google Doodle.

One of the video game culture icons, the PAC MAN was inspired by a slice of pizza and was developed to hundreds platforms. Only for the Atari console, the game sold over 12 million copies.

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Lisbon Metro cancels system that cost 20 million towards … – Digital Journal

TODAY at 9:21 updated 16:51

Despite opposition from internal opinions and European recommendations, the administration of the Lisbon Metro has retained dismantle a safety and automatic driving system, ATP / ATO (Automatic Train Protection / Automatic Train Operation), valued at 20 million euros, towards a system already at 37, the Automatic Braking Device VIA (DTAV).

The news is in the advanced edition of Tuesday’s Journal News, with daily adding that decision to withdraw the ATP / ATO system of walls and trains on the Red Line, which connects the station to San Sebastian Airport, was due to the lack of availability in the company extend it to the last station line recommendation contained in reports produced internally.

Now on the system now responsible for security on the Red Line, a technician from the company told the newspaper that it operates in a ‘timely’ for cases of ‘excess speed “, and has not proven effective, for example, when one of the drivers collided with the wall.

” The DATV is a control point for speeding. But did not prevent the collision, for example, what happened recently at the airport and left the train accordion type. The company hid the pictures because the driver was tired and sped off the airport station. Eventually hit the wall because there was no braking system ‘, reported the technical, unidentified, told




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Federation of Transport Unions says that is guaranteed … – Journal News

“This is not new, but it must be said that Metro security is to be guaranteed by its employees long ago, despite the divestment of policies pursued by the company’s board of directors,” he said.

The Journal of Notícias reported today that the Lisbon Metro ordered that a whole system of security and automatic driving of the compositions, which dispensed with the direct intervention of the driver

This system (ATP / ATO. – Automatic Train Protection / Automatic Train Operation) have been plucked from the Red Line (between San Sebastian and the airport) because the company did not show readiness to extend the scheme to new stations to the airport Portela, as advocated reports produced internally.

The paper highlights have had access to several documents, assigned by sources close to the metro, which warned of the security issues and the fact that the transport structure is becoming obsolete.

Speaking to Lusa, the leader of FECTRANS stressed that this “is not new, nor is it a surprise.”

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Rui Tavares is the most influential politician on Twitter – iOnline

Very ahead of Passos Coelho, who appears in a modest 13th place in a study that measured the influence of Portuguese politicians on Twitter

If the weight of the parties is spanned tweets to the Portuguese political landscape would be very different. The party with the most seats in Parliament would not be the PSD, but the PS. The conclusion is a study that measured the power of Portuguese politicians on Twitter, which also says that Rui Tavares is the most influential politician in this social network.

“Top 50 Power Map Network – Influential Politicians on Twitter,” a study of Imago consultant – Llorente & amp; Cuenca in partnership with the Catholic University, analyzes the online activity of 618 Portuguese political protagonists in the first two months of 2015, based on criteria such as the number of Twitter followers, mentions, retweets, automatic influence and presence in other online spaces.

Behind Rui Tavares, who has 114,834 followers, appears the young Socialist deputy John Galamba, with 15,826 but a close influence index of the founder of the Free.

Of the leaders of the parties that currently have parliamentary seat, just Catarina Martins, BE, appears in the top 10. And MPs or coalition governments in power only one, the CDS: Michael Seufert.

The Prime Minister Passos Coelho, one is for a modest 13th place, just two places above Daniel Oliveira. But still better than the leader of the main opposition party, António Costa, who remains absent from Twitter.

“In the Portuguese case, nor Cavaco Silva Passos Coelho not yet appear to have found the best way to frame this social network in communicating political messages, perhaps for fear of

dialogue and interaction that naturally arises from the presence in social networks, “says the study.

Among the ten most influential figures still appear as Barroso (5 most influential, although that has more followers), Ana Gomes (6) and Joana Amaral Dias (9th ).

“In general, it is the politicians who do not currently have an active voice in the Parliament who feel the need to explore other ways to be heard,” said the consultant in the statement in which they are disclosed the study results.


Operation “Sweet Cepa” Seize 324,000 liters of wine – Renaissance

The Food Safety and Economic Authority (ASAE) seized 324,000 liters of red wine and liqueur under the operation “Sweet Cepa”, during the past two weeks.

The approximate value of the product seized in the operation, which focused on the circuit of production and marketing of wine is around 66,000 euros, reads a statement.

The action was triggered surveillance by the National Information Unit and Criminal Investigation in various local Portuguese, after having verified that the operator of an establishment of food and beverage in Sines put wine designated as “muscatel type” in five-liter bottles and reusing bottles true trademarks serve them directly to the final consumer.

At the operation it was found that the wine was from a Arruda producer of wines and was marketed and billed as “semi-sweet wine” for a storer of Alcacer do Sal, the document said.

The wines still had abnormal characteristics licorice and were thus classified as damaged food and lack of requirements, having been instituted criminal proceedings for production, possession and sale of wine products and abnormal fraud on commodities.

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Spotify will provide music on PlayStation – EN Journal

The Spotify has occupied various market aspects of the devices. After smartphones, where the three major platforms; Windows Phone, iOS and Android already have this music store, now is the time for game consoles, for now the Sony and receive Spotify.

The application of streaming music , Spotify, just coming to consoles from Sony, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 of 41 countries, ours included.

“Music has always been an important part of gaming,” said Gustav Söderström, a responsible Spotify, a statement

“I remember when I played computer games like Quake and Counter-Strike with my favorite music in the background. – bringing the experience to another level. With today’s launch, we bring back the magic of gaming and music -. All in a smooth and beautiful interface that looks great on the big screen, added

One of the great advantages of Spotify on PlayStation is that they can play and listen to music simultaneously. For this, and while listening to music, only the special effects of the games will be audible, not hindering the essential of the game.

This commitment results from a partnership between Sony and Spotify. The Asian brand realized, finally, that may not want to do it all alone, and that partnerships in technology can bring great results and, above all, most users.

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Monday, March 30, 2015

Sony and Spotify come together to put soundtrack in videogames – publico





Sony and Spotify are united since Monday a partnership to enable users of the online music service to listen to your favorite music while playing in PlayStation4 (PS4) and 3 (PS3) or the smartphones and tablets Xperia Japanese brand.


                          Sony and Spotify call it a “unique musical experience” whose aim is to create a soundtrack to accompany the user while playing. Simply choose songs from Your Music , create a playlist or use one of the already selected by Spotify .

Change the volume or music track does not require the suspension of the game. “The Spotify Connect allows passes tracks or aumentes the volume of the music, using your mobile phone or tablet, without having to interrupt your game,” explains digital music service, which currently provides access, in real

time, the most 30 million songs.

“I remember playing computer games like Quake and Counter-Strike to the sound of my favorite songs – took the whole experience to another level. With today’s launch, we are bringing back the magic of play with music – all in one smooth experience and with an appealing design that looks great on the screen, “says the responsible for product management of Spotify, Gustav Söderström  


Spotify: You will be able to listen to music in streaming on PlayStation – EN Journal

The application of music streaming, Spotify, just coming to consoles from Sony, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 of 41 countries, ours included.


The Spotify has occupied various market aspects of the devices. After smartphones, where the three major platforms; Windows Phone, iOS and Android already have this music store, now is the time for game consoles, for now the Sony and receive Spotify.


“Music has always been an important part of gaming,” said Gustav Söderström, an official from Spotify in a statement.


“I remember when I played computer games like Quake and Counter-Strike with my favorite music in background – bringing the experience to another level. With today’s launch, we bring back the magic of gaming and music -. All in a smooth and beautiful interface that looks great on the big screen, added

  A major advantage of Spotify on PlayStation is the fact that they can play and listen to music simultaneously. For this, and while listening to music, only the special effects of the games will be audible, not hindering the essential of the game.

This commitment results from a partnership between Sony and Spotify. The Asian brand realized, finally, that may not want to do it all alone, and that partnerships in

technology can bring great results and, above all, most users.


ASAE seized 324,000 liters of wine in the operation “Sweet Cepa” – Journal News

The approximate value of the product seized in the operation, which focused on the production chain and marketing of wines, is around 66 000 euros, reads a statement of the ASAE.

The supervisory action was triggered by the National Information Unit and Criminal Investigation in various local Portuguese, after verification that the operator of an establishment of food and beverage in Sines put wine designated as “muscatel type” in five-liter bottles and reusing the actual bottles of trademarks serve them directly to the end consumer.

In operation it was found that the wine was from a Arruda producer of wines and was marketed and billed as “semi-sweet wine” for a storer of Alcácer do Sal, the document said.

The wines still had features licorice abnormal and were thus classified as damaged food and lack of requirements, having been instituted criminal proceedings for production, possession and sale of abnormal wine products and commodity fraud.

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Spotify for PlayStation starts running today – Digital Journal

 Announced in January, the partnership between Sony and Spotify to put the streaming service on PlayStation 3:04 came into force on Monday.

Spotify is now available via PlayStation Music platform, that works on consoles and tablets and smartphones Xperia. The owner of one of these devices only need to log in to your account and service Spotify will work there.

On console, you can choose to listen to music simultaneously with the games. According to Spotify, the novelty debut today in 41 countries

Those interested can sign up here



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New trailers show Halo 5 already has release date – TeK.sapo

The game, exclusive to the Xbox One, will be released next October 27 and so far is the only exclusive title for Microsoft’s console with confirmed release date for this year. The game’s debut in October will happen to the world simultaneously.

The release confirmation now made by Microsoft is a good news for fans of video games, which in recent days received some less encouraging news. Sony has admitted that the Uncharted 4 will only be released in 2016.

Nintendo also can not guarantee one of the most anticipated new releases by users for this year and refers to 2016 the extent to Wii U Legend of Zelga.

To whet the desire to play for those who have an Xbox, Microsoft revealed however two of the new Halo trailers: Guardians, which gives more insight in relation to what will be possible with the new version of game and shows where new characters.

  Written under the new Spelling Agreement

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Marcelo think “unexplained” Minister of arguments about VIP list – Express

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa defended this Sunday that the Minister of Finance will have to find other arguments to explain the alleged VIP list of contributors, since those presented are “unexplained”.

“To say that government is autonomous from political rulers and then the fact that it is impossible for a ruler in his ministry to know everything that goes on does not serve,” said the commentator on TVI.

For the PSD of the former leader is clear that a ruler can not know everything that goes on in your sector, but stresses that this case is not anything that is at stake. “She has to know the consequences of illegal access to IRS accounts is inexplicable that the minister who appeared late -. Only two weeks later, and at the request of many families say this, that would only be for smaller matters,” argued <. /> p>

About BES case, Marcelo lamented that the audit should only be completed early next year, mocking: “It was advanced the idea that it would be quick, now spoken in 2016. this is only because Portugal is Portugal. ”

For the former leader of the Social Democrats is a “situation that perplexes Portuguese and empties the authority who commands audits and who performs them.”

While on the BES, considers that the explanations of the Deputy Prime Minister in the commission of inquiry are acceptable but only in part. “What Paulo Portas said has all the logic. When the troika was here until May already since November there was talk in the case BES. It is not without reason, but curiously beyond the troika was also here the government,” he noted.

“Garden depart from the policy Impossible?”
On the subject which marks the Sunday night – the regional elections in Madeira – Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa cheered the departure of Alberto João Jardim political life, giving way to a successor with an independent position on the historic leadership

of the Regional Executive.

“I that much criticized Alberto João Jardim living almost rot [in politics] him that ended up leaving voluntarily or involuntarily – he said he voluntarily. – underwent a process that ended well, “he said

In the opinion of Marcelo, Miguel Albuquerque is a successor to the opposite Alberto João Jardim, who defined an independent position, opposing him at the last party congress, which had “its own way”. “This result is perfect to Luís Albuquerque, but very good for the PSD,” he stressed.

Asked about the possibility of Garden depart from the policy, Marcelo says that “it is impossible . As Mário Soares and Jorge Sampaio “.


Sunday, March 29, 2015

Tax specialists advocate enhanced data protection for holders … – publico






The controversy surrounding the VIP list of contributors brought to public discussion the issue of data protection for citizens in general and public office holders or sovereignty in particular. Three tax specialists contacted by the PUBLIC clearly assume the defense of the two levels, without jeopardizing any conflict of rights or discrimination of taxpayers.


                          Rogério Fernandes Ferreira, president of the Portuguese Fiscal Association, and former Secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs, was among the first to argue that considers justifiable that the computer system of tax administration has an alert system, not for certain people, but for holders of certain public functions, similar to what happens with other public entities. For this lawyer, this system of greater protection of public office holders, who are also the most scrutinized, is not incompatible with the existence of rules that protect other citizens of unauthorized access to your data.

Asked about whether special reserve exist in access to tax data of persons who occupy certain public offices, Samuel Fernandes de Almeida believes that the term is not “special reserve, but tighter controls on access to tax data office holders Public and sovereign bodies, like the President, the Prime Minister, the members of the STA, among others. “

” In spite of the principle of legality, equality of taxpayers, does not shock me on the contrary, that access to this data is restricted and their access is justified by the officials of the tax authorities “, says this expert in tax law and partner at Miranda.

For that lawyer,” the more restricted access, could not under any circumstances represent any form of limitation or condition the operation of the Tax Authority, including a power of control and inspective powers. That is, such a measure could never be exploited to subtract these holders of their reporting obligations and inspective power of AT, particularly in sensitive matters such as signs of wealth and income control abroad for example. “

The most conditioning does not entail, for Samuel Fernandes de Almeida, who neglect the protection of citizens. “It does not appear acceptable to the citizen in a rule of law are subject to a

kind of tax voyeurism. What this case highlights the VIP list is that there are no effective mechanisms to control access to tax information from taxpayers, which is serious and violating their rights “, says the lawyer, adding that” there is understood that any employee AT can access tax data of any taxpayer. “

For this expert, would justify the” creation of degrees of access to certain features and categories of its employee (…) where in the case of holders of public office that same access would be restricted and conditioned to fewer employees and inspecting and management functions. “

” It is not of course to reduce or narrow the inspective powers and the access to information by the AT, but to regulate access to such data, linking the protection of the financial interests of the State and the private life of its citizens, “concluded Samuel Fernandes de Almeida.

Pedro Botelho Gomes, partner of José Pedro Aguiar Branco and Associates, argues that “what should always prevail and foremost is the principle of tax secrecy”. Said that, “the taxpayers’ side this principle is materialized in the right of everyone to have exclusive access to their own data.” For this lawyer, “different issue is the access of TA staff to all data and every citizen”.
“Obviously any internal security system of services in the control of the surveyed data sheets and accessed by computer is expected to be implemented strictly in the same terms for all taxpayers, “he argues.
For Pedro Botelho Gomes, given the” concentration of collection services and cross-checks in AT, always with a view to effectively combating tax evasion, there need to implement technical control tools that did not exist or were necessary under where they are today. “




Microsoft buys LiveLoop to ‘share’ PowerPoints – EN Journal

Sunday, March 29 2015 18:37 | Sergio Meireles

Microsoft acquired the LiveLoop that has a technology that makes it easy to share PowerPoint files on the web.

The technology developed by LiveLoop, consists of converting files created in PowerPoint on links that later can be shared more easily on the internet.

Similarly to the Redmond brand is doing with other applications (extends to a variety of systems and platforms) PowerPoint was, until now, the only application or software brand that had not yet adapted to the brand you want for your ecosystem, taking into account the arrival of Windows 10.

From the 24th of April, LiveLoop terminating the their services. From that date, all data users present on the platform will be deleted. So take precautions if you have data on this platform.

Microsoft has declined to extend more about this purchase but is almost obvious, that this is based on the idea of ​​the brand to bring their products to various platforms, as did with Office and OneDrive for Android and iOS.
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