Very ahead of Passos Coelho, who appears in a modest 13th place in a study that measured the influence of Portuguese politicians on Twitter
If the weight of the parties is spanned tweets to the Portuguese political landscape would be very different. The party with the most seats in Parliament would not be the PSD, but the PS. The conclusion is a study that measured the power of Portuguese politicians on Twitter, which also says that Rui Tavares is the most influential politician in this social network.
“Top 50 Power Map Network – Influential Politicians on Twitter,” a study of Imago consultant – Llorente & amp; Cuenca in partnership with the Catholic University, analyzes the online activity of 618 Portuguese political protagonists in the first two months of 2015, based on criteria such as the number of Twitter followers, mentions, retweets, automatic influence and presence in other online spaces.
Behind Rui Tavares, who has 114,834 followers, appears the young Socialist deputy John Galamba, with 15,826 but a close influence index of the founder of the Free.
Of the leaders of the parties that currently have parliamentary seat, just Catarina Martins, BE, appears in the top 10. And MPs or coalition governments in power only one, the CDS: Michael Seufert.
The Prime Minister Passos Coelho, one is for a modest 13th place, just two places above Daniel Oliveira. But still better than the leader of the main opposition party, António Costa, who remains absent from Twitter.
“In the Portuguese case, nor Cavaco Silva Passos Coelho not yet appear to have found the best way to frame this social network in communicating political messages, perhaps for fear of
dialogue and interaction that naturally arises from the presence in social networks, “says the study.
Among the ten most influential figures still appear as Barroso (5 most influential, although that has more followers), Ana Gomes (6) and Joana Amaral Dias (9th ).
“In general, it is the politicians who do not currently have an active voice in the Parliament who feel the need to explore other ways to be heard,” said the consultant in the statement in which they are disclosed the study results.