Sunday, June 7, 2015

Mondego Metro says it acted legally as the former spending … – publico






The Mondego Metro (MM) argues that it was legal to conduct their finance department as thousands of euros of public company spent on personal expenses by former managers being investigated by prosecutors. “It is confirmed the action, the date of the MM services, which is considered correct and it is clarified that none of the current members of the board are quoted in that matter,” stated the company in a statement on Saturday night.


                          THE PUBLIC reported on Saturday that six former directors, two former presidents and four former executives are accused vowels, a survey of the Department of Investigation and Penal Action Coimbra they are concerned crimes maladministration, embezzlement and economic subterfuge in business, which have taken place between 2004 and 2010.

In almost two decades of existence, the project of the Mondego Metro barely got off the ground, but their accounts left about 100 thousand euros that former managers used in personal expenses paid with public company credit cards, according to the process to which the PUBLIC had access.

The MM expects the case to be decided quickly for justice, “so as not to perpetuate a situation of repeated suspects that may jeopardize the institution’s name,” and emphasizes that essential that “set the terms of the project and restarted the work.”

In case of the directors used the credit card, which had been distributed by the company for expenses of the office, to spend 72,000 euros in computer games, perfumes, home furnishings, hotel stays, shopping at the supermarket, wine, surf material, services in organizing business events and an account of

139 euros in the bar strip White Elephant, in Lisbon. In the research report, PJ stresses that the cards were “used despudoramente”. Another administrator paid 27,000 euros with the credit card company.

It was his own finance department of Mondego Metro that detected the situation and informed the administrators that expenditure, having no professional justification nor is there their receipts, were personal. So the two were to return the values, but not totally, and several years after leaving their positions. One of them did it in 2010, three years after leaving functions.

“The facts portrayed occurred in a period between 2004 and 2006 (in relation to the use of cards) and 2009 (compared to the competition and hiring study), “adds the company, noting that they are” matters referred to in the Court’s 2011 report “, as already reported.

At issue in the case is also the fact that the company had two studies commissioned in 2010 by direct agreement the two private firms with the same goal: find out the operating costs of the Company Mondego Metro. Hired a company to which he paid 60,000 euros and, without waiting for the conclusions, he asked the same study the other of which paid 55,000 euros. “Values ​​always higher than originally planned by the Mondego Metro”, underlines PJ in the final report of its investigation. In total, the Mondego Metro doubled expenses over the same purpose:. 115 000 euros



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