Thursday, June 11, 2015

Government closes e-school program – The Ball


                         Government receives 10 million euros from the sale of TAP Neeleman – The US businessman, owner of Brazilian airline Azul, David Neeleman, was chosen by the government to buy 61% of TAP in the process of ongoing privatization.
 According to the Secretary of State for Infrastructure, Transport and Communications, Sérgio Monteiro, the State guarantees the sale of TAP by 338 million euros in cash, making privatization a “success” in view of the negative who rated company for between -224 and -512 million euros. However, almost all the capital goes directly into the airline through an injection of capital. The value that fits the state does not exceed 10 million.
 In the medium term, according to the economic development of the company over the course of 2015, the sales value can, however, be up to 488 million euros, by the transport secretary of state considered the current year as “crucial”.
 On the other hand, the State is not holder of debt TAP, while remaining as a negotiator of the same. As perks, the government has the right to cancel the sale, without any compensation in case of violation of the contract documents or the commitments made in the sales contract. On the other hand, privatization does not set any conditions for the cancellation of privatization for future executives.
 The consório, led in terms of capital by the Portuguese group Barraqueiro, held by Humberto Pedrosa, promises to keep the headquarters and operational direction in Portugal, not lay off workers and not cancel key routes, but only for 10 years. After this decade, there are no commitments or promises.
 It is confirmed also that Neeleman brings 53 new aircraft to the airline, which for Sérgio Monteiro shows that offering Neeleman ‘ensures the financial interests of the state “.
 PS, PCP and BE have already reacted: socialists want more details and consider the information vague, while the communist deputy, Bruno Dias, has already ruled against the sale, which ranked as a ‘selling for a song “, so called for” putting Government out of here “and” not throw in the towel, continuing to fight “; in the register also Mariana Mortágua, BE, stressed that the sales value is “symbolic”, adding that “one must take chutzpah to advertise this privatization as a success.”
 But the Prime ministo, Pedro Passos Coelho, called the sale as “an act of courage.”



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