Thursday, June 4, 2015

Faith Customs farmer sentenced to 15 years in prison for … – LUSA

A Customs farmer of the Faith was today sentenced to 15 years in prison for trafficking in persons and to pay a full indeminização of 80,000 euros to three victims.

The court found as a fact that the man of 44 years enslaved and raped five people taking advantage of their vulnerability to exploit them in agricultural work without paying them, and commit repeated sexual offenses over a group of women.

“I thought this would shame any man the dawn of civilization and to you today not ashamed. So it will sentenced to 15 years in prison,” the judge Diogo Oliveira, at the end of sentencing.

The judge based the conviction of the court to convict and said “impressed the total absence of regret” by the defendant.

The farmer was arrested a year ago by the Judicial Police and will continue to wait for the remaining terms of the process in custody.

The defendant was sentenced to nearly 30 years in prison for trafficking offenses five people and a prohibited weapon tenure, which in height legal, resulted in a single sentence of 15 years

Of the approximately 80,000 euros of compensation that the court has determined, most -. 34 000 – are for the only woman in the group


The judges accepted the withdrawal of the complaint that was filed by rape, clarified that the facts were valued in determining the worth of the crimes for which he was convicted.

The statements of the accused, who denied the accusation at the beginning of the trial, “did not deserve any credibility” and were “flatly contradicted by the remaining evidence,” according to the collective conviction of judges, who understood that the farmer “acted with intent.”

The farmer was convicted of keeping five people under slave labor in the town of Santa Justa, Faith Customs municipality in the district of Bragança, taking advantage of their vulnerability and reaction disability.

Some of the workers embarked leaks for several times, but the farmer would eventually find them and forced them to return.


Lusa / end


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