Tuesday, June 9, 2015

35 million for social passes to reach across the country still … – Daily News – Lisbon

The government has 35 million euros for the Social Pass + reach across the country in 2015 and fail to cover only the metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Oporto, said Secretary of State for Transport.

“The state already for this year 2015 reserved an amount of up to 35 million euros for social support throughout the country, where not only those who live in metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Oporto, as hitherto, but everyone will could have discounts in transport, depending on the household income, “said the official, considering that the democratization of access to transport is one of the main measures of the New Legal Regime of the Public Passenger Transport Service.

On the day that the new regime was published in the Official Gazette, Sérgio Monteiro explained that “the challenge is now on the side of the chambers,” which are able to manage transport system in its territory, jurisdiction that was reserved to the State.

“It is now up to the cameras do the evaluation to the transport system and contribute to the people who are mostly in less populated areas or further from the county seat may have a transport, scheduled or on demand, which can be subsidized by the state, “he added.

The Social Pass + is aimed at households that are proven to receive income reduced, allowing them to benefit from a subsidized value in acquiring titles transport.


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