Saturday, January 3, 2015

Users accuse Apple for misleading advertising – PT Journal

In this issue the last software update, iOS 8 that, according to the complainants, greatly increased the available capacity by about 18 percent in the iPhone 5S and 23 percent on the iPod.

Apple is being sued by two US users, and Christopher Paul Orshan Endara, both residing in Florida. According to the complainants, Apple misleads customers when it comes to the actual storage capacity of the devices

The plaintiffs say is ironic that Apple iOS apregoe 8 as the biggest ever:. “Of course, Apple did not refer to the literal size of iOS8, that seems to be all disclosed in bulky marketing materials extolling the supposed virtues iOS8 “say.

They say that Apple to ‘remove storage devices available in the , is forcing users to sign on Cloud storage plans, particularly in the iCloud.

Consider this as misleading and are based on the law to process the Cupertino brand.

“The inaccuracies Apple and omissions are deceptive and misleading because they omit relevant facts that the average consumer would consider when you were considering buying your products, “

This is not new. In 2007, the mark of Apple was sued for something similar in Canada, a process, which however was filed.

They also argue that Apple infringes competition law by not allowing the use of storage services provided by external companies.


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