The Pedro Nunes Institute (IPN), in Coimbra, and Vodafone Portugal launched a contest that aims to distinguish, with prizes totaling 15,000 euros, applications and technology solutions for institutions of social area.
In a statement issued o n Tuesday, the IPN states that “will be selected four applications”, with the three winners in the category Challenge awarded 5000, 3000 and 2000 euros, being the only 5000 euros awarded in the category Innovation .
“This initiative will make a distinction between applications and technological solutions created by eVida platform that respond to real needs previously identified by social economy institutions “, such as managing medication takes, among others, said.
The eVida platform is part of TICE.Healthy project, based on IPN in Coimbra, “that develops, integrates and tests innovative technological approaches that are the basis for new products and services”
“At a time when the aging of the Portuguese population has become more acute, or from the bottom of the age pyramid, with the decrease of the young population, either from the top, with the increase of the elderly population due to greater longevity, Vodafone Portugal and the IPN launch a tender for the development of applications for the third sector, “the statement said.
They can compete for prizes” individuals who have the aim of developing applications that can be integrated into the eVida platform and, based on this, explore an idea or plan business. “
Applications, which can be individual or presented by teams of up to five elements, should be formalized until 27 February, with the four winning applications known in March.
One of the applications to tender will also be entitled to participate in the one-year incubation program at Vodafone Labs Lisbon.
With this initiative, the Instituto Pedro Nunes and Vodafone Portugal intended to “foster and promote the development technology solutions that can contribute to improving the efficiency of services provided by the institutions of the third sector, as well as improve the quality of life of its beneficiaries. “
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