Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Lisbon: previous cars to 2000 and 1996 have new restrictions – Saturday Magazine

• 13/01/2015
            | PHOTO: Saturday

The drivers take note: the rules apply to any working day from seven in the morning until nine at night, in the center of Lisbon. The restrictions are part of the third phase of the Low Emission Zone (ZER), a project which started in 2011

Let the concrete information:. For previous enrollment to 2000 restrictions apply to zone 1 that goes from Liberty Avenue to Low. The boundaries of the area are the Rua Alexandre Herculano, the north and the Commerce Square, south, which also covers the Cais do Sodré and the Field of onions.

Have the limitations for previous registration to 1996 apply is directed to the zone 2 which is bounded to Avenida de Ceuta, North-South Axis, Avenue of Armed Forces of the United States Marshal

Antonio Spinola, the Holy Constable and Prince Henry.

The new rules, advanced by the Lusa Agency, also have exceptions. These are the concerns that are free: vehicles of exceptional activity, such as the emergency, transport prisoners or values, police or military and even the historic cars, residents, cars to natural gas, LPG and motorcycles . It is also the exception to taxis, but only until the 30th of June.


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