The Union of State Boards of Technical (STE) says that the review of career civil servants who are waiting since 2008 the single salary scale (TRU) and supplements “is stopped” and that there is no time for the processes move forward until the elections.
“The government says there have been impediments. The review of careers would have to be made when reviewing the supplements were made. All this is stopped and when we perceive due to the pressure of professional groups that have something to say in the review of their careers, “said Lusa Helena Rodrigues, STE leader at the end of a meeting with Secretary of State for Public Administration to discuss the creation of a new special career where they will be integrated about 230 Budget Directorate-General of the technical Directorate General of Treasury and Finance and Strategy and Planning Office.
“The Secretary of State took the creation of this career as a political option”, later told PUBLIC Helena
.” the review of supplements, “he added. “In the absence of a review of careers, we ask the government to repusesse all the pay cuts in 2015,” added the union leader linked to the UGT.
PUBLIC questioned the Ministry of Finance on whether this means the diploma supplements (which was sent to Bethlehem in October and was returned to the Government because of doubts raised to the President) will fall. Official source referred to later, at the end of meetings with unions, the clarification of the matter.
The Secretary of State also meets with the Federation of Trade Unions for Public Administration (Fesap) and the Common Front.
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