Sunday, January 25, 2015

Twitter is ‘saturated’ of Instagram links – EN Journal

Twitter is asking the most influential users in particular the famous, so that they share their photographs within their network with the tools that Twitter offers.

The social network of short messages, whether users stop sharing Instagram links on Twitter, explaining that the shared images are not visible within the network itself. Twitter has its own tools for sharing pictures and want users to make use of them, rather than share dozens of Instagram link in the network.

remember that Instagram was acquired by Facebook. Taking this into account, the social network of photographs, goes also to be a competitor to Twitter. Twitter is tired of ‘cover’ links with other social network that takes away users, since these links when opened, take the user to Instagram.

The social network of microblogging or by order to this and has started sending notifications to some celebrities as a way to raise awareness to share their photos from

the network itself.

This measure was taken because of the influence that these celebrities have in social networks. Justin Bieber and Seth Rogen, were some of the celebrities who have received notifications for not sharing more Instagram links to Twitter.

It is unlikely that this measure will have effect. As is well known by users, Instagram has a number of filters to the photos that Twitter does not have.


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