Friday, January 23, 2015

More expensive flue country resists competition and the crisis in Vinhais – Vision

Vinhais, Bragança 23 Jan (Lusa) – A family spend 250-300 euros in the most expensive filled the country is a reality that has withstood competition and the crisis in Fair Fumeiro of Vinhais, returning between 05 and February 8.

The transmontana village claims the status of “Capital Meats” with the oldest fair of its kind, which for 35 years serves as a showcase of vast potential with replicas in other areas, but that the organization ensures “resists competition and the crisis” with the trait “distinctive quality”.

“It’s the oldest in the country, others appeared, competition is always note, but we do not suffer this competition because, besides the importance and dynamism that the fair already have, has the quality

factor of these products is unique, “he said today Luis Fernandes, vice president of Vinhais Chamber’s presentation of the event.


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