From this Thursday, who has a previous vehicle to 1996 and does not reside in Lisbon can not circular, the working days, the area bounded by avenues of Ceuta, the Armed Forces of the United States of America and Infante D . Henry. Tighter are the rules on Liberty Avenue and downtown, where only vehicles built since 2000 are allowed to transit.
Adopted by the Board of Lisbon in October 2014, what will be the third phase of the creation of Reduced Emissions Zone (ZER) thus imposes new restrictions on car traffic, with the stated objective of contributing to the improvement of air quality in the capital.
The rules introduced now apply to any working day between 7 am and 21h, but leave out emergency vehicles and persons with disabilities, vehicles considered historical, natural gas, LPG and motorcycles, police, military, transportation of prisoners and armored transport values. Also taxis will continue to receive special treatment: in July will begin to be limits to their movement, but only spent two years that will be subject to the same restrictions imposed from now to most cars and trucks.
And what are these restrictions? In the call Zone 2 ZER, bordering on Av. De Ceuta, North-South axis, Av. Of the Armed Forces, Av. US, Av. General Spinola and Av. Infante D. Henrique, vehicles built before 1996 did not can now be carried over. Unless fit one of the exceptions set out above or belonging to residents in the capital.
In the area bounded by Rua Alexandre
And how will it be done the control of vehicles that may or may not enter the two zones with restrictions? “The inspection will be random, at entry points and within the ZER, carried out by the police [PSP and Municipal Police],” replies the Council of Lisbon in a set of questions and answers published on its website.
According to data already published by the PUBLIC, between February 2012 and September 2014 the Municipal Police of Lisbon brought 295 cars for drivers who disregarded traffic rules in ZER and the value of each fine set at 24 euros. In statements earlier this year, the commander of that police force, André Gomes, stressed that “it is very difficult to detect license plates one by one,” adding that this process is greatly facilitated when introduced an electronic system for reading license plates.
PUBLIC asked the municipality still plans to go ahead with this solution and if so when to do it and what the estimated investment. In response, Mobility and Transport Municipal Directorate reported that “the Lisbon City Council is examining, in parallel with the supervision of the Municipal Police, the possibility or not to introduce the technology of automatic enrollment reading.”
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