There is a ‘business’ to grow in the districts of Beja and Moura: olive theft. In just 24 hours, the GNR identified 20 people, 15 Romanians and five Portuguese, and seized nearly 2.5 tons of the fruit. In all, 39 people were identified and made four arrests.
Walk to steal olives in the districts of Beja and Moura. The scheme has gained dimension and thanks to more intensive action of the security forces.
An operation conducted by the military detachments of Territorial the National Guard of Beja and Moura, in collaboration with the military Territorial Tour Évora , identified over the last 24 hours, a total of 20 people.
This action, part of the operation ‘Agrisegur’, referring to this olive campaign, led to the identification of 15 Romanians living in Spain and five Portuguese on suspicion of theft in olive Baleizão olive groves, in the district of Beja and Moura.
Among the 20 people identified, 12 were male, and the remaining eight females .
The operation was to apprehend nearly 2.5 tons of olives.
The cases were reported to the Courts of Beja and Moura with the GNR to report will continue to develop research efforts.The operation ‘Agrisegur’ has resulted in the seizure of 14.5 tons of olive, have been made four arrests and identified 39 suspects for the commission of crimes of theft .
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