Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Expert defends specific care to patients and green … – RCM Pharma

The President of the Council for Quality in Health advocates the creation in the hospital emergency room of a specific service to the greens and blues patients, which there is “successfully” in the Hospital São Francisco Xavier in Lisbon, advances the agency Lusa, quoted by Digital Journal.

The idea appears in “Intervention Writing in Emergency and Urgent Care in all hospitals “, which was established by Luis Campos as a contribution to the National Health Plan, planned for the 2012-2016 period, but should be extended to 2020.

Luis Campos, who heads the Service Medical IV, Hospital São Francisco Xavier (Hospital West Lisbon), believes that if they were in force ambulatory emergencies to meet the less serious patients (green and blue) in hospital emergency situations in recent weeks, with waits of more than 20 hours , would not have been registered.

According to the proposal contained in document delivered to the Health Director-General in November last year, “should be disseminated the model of” fast track “for patients green and blue, adjacent to the emergency room, but depending on this, provided by a dedicated team and appropriate to this type of patients. “

This model was made” very successful “in the urgency of São Hospital Francis Xavier in 1994 and “allows you to quickly withdraw from the hospital 40 percent of patients classified as green and blue in the screening of Manchester which, in most cases, you only need to see the doctor and do not need additional tests.”

“This ambulatory urgency allowed at that hospital, to end claims for waiting time, avoiding staying for many hours in waiting rooms, because these patients have long target times in the screening of Manchester”, reads -If the proposal.

According to the document, “this model also allows greater adaptation of physicians who see patients for the type of pathology they suffer.”

This separation of patients also allows a higher concentration of doctors who are at the counters of the emergency room, because it avoids the mixture of serious cases with trivial cases. “

In the proposal are still presented some data, such as the annual average number calls in the hospital emergency room, where the projection for 2016 is 754.3 per thousand inhabitants, with the goal to decrease to 720.1.

Regarding the ratio of hospital emergency and outpatient visits, whose projection . Portugal, in 2016, is 0.33, the target set by PNS is 0.31

The hospital emergencies reveals some stability: 7,122,383 admissions in 2002 (of which 6,662. 560 in public hospitals) and 7,300,892 in 2012 (6,451,512 in public hospitals).

Of these admissions, 82% were due to disease, 12% for accident-six percent from other causes.

According to the document, “while admissions in public hospitals have been stable (88%), emergencies in private hospitals almost doubled from 459,832 in 2002 to 849,380 in 2012.”

“Many of emergency in private hospitals are convenience consultations, as can be concluded from the fact that the percentage of patients green and blue Manchester Triage in some of these hospitals, exceed 70%,” he says.

Source: Digital Diary with Lusa



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