Wednesday, January 14, 2015

New restrictions on car traffic in the center of Lisbon … – SIC News

The restrictions for cars with previous enrollment to 2000 relate to zone 1, which runs from the axis of the Freedom to Low Avenue (bounded on the north by Alexandre Herculano Street, to the south by Square Trade and covering the area between Cais do Sodré and the Field of onions).

As for the cars with previous enrollment to 1996 will be prevented from circulating in zone 2 (defined by Avenida de Ceuta limits, north-south axis, avenues of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, Marshal Antonio Spinola, the Holy Constable and Prince Henry).

These driving restrictions fall under the third phase of the Low Emission Zone (ZER). The second phase was implemented in 2012 and the first created in 2011.

The exceptions to these restrictions include emergency vehicles, Disabled, historical mobility (which are certified by official authorities), gas powered natural and LPG, police, military, prisoner transport, armored transport values ​​and motorcycles.

Vehicles with resident parking areas couplets 5 (Liberty Avenue), 12 (Chiado) and 13 (Low) may move in zone 1 and those belonging to residents car in Lisbon may move in the area 2.

Also, taxis will have a period of exception, between now and June 30. From July 1, only taxis

with subsequent enrollment to July 1992 may move in zones 1 and 2.

A year later, in July 2016, taxis with previous registration to 1996 leave be able to operate in zone 1. In July 2017, the rules applicable to vehicles in general are now also apply to taxis, ie in zone 1 may be moved cars registered after 2000 and in zone 2 subsequent to 1996 .

The restrictions imposed by the year of car license plates, however previous cars to 1996 or 2000 may move in restricted areas if they have installed emissions reduction equipment, approved by the Mobility and Transport Institute (IMT ) which should allow at least compliance with the minimum standard of emissions required.



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