Friday, July 29, 2016

China legalizes activity Uber and other transport apps – publico






The Chinese Government legalized definitively the activities of the US company Uber, its Chinese rival Didi ChuXing and other transportation applications, the official news agency Xinhua said on Friday.

the new rules, first adopted by a country to regulate this business model, was presented on Thursday, and ends years of uncertainty about the legality of the Uber and Didi, against the protests of traditional taxis.

the Ministry of Chinese Transport also dismissed these services have their own fleet of vehicles, as opposed to taxi companies.

drivers who use those applications may apply for a license to operate and companies will be responsible for ensuring that they have adequate qualifications and vehicles have the best conditions, says the document. Vehicles with a higher mileage to 600,000 km and more than eight years are forbidden to be used, he adds. have the drivers who have been punished for acts of violence, alcohol, drugs or offenses in traffic, they will not be awarded the license.

The companies in the sector must pay taxes and are prohibited from practicing aggressive pricing policies, which may disrupt the market.

the statement also addresses the traditional companies of taxi, appealing to reduce the high rates charged to their own drivers and that the face of competition imposed by companies like Uber, difficult in much the business of millions of taxi drivers.

the phenomenon took taxi drivers in several Chinese cities to organize numerous strikes in recent years, stopping sometimes traffic in their localities, for hours or even days.

the regulation was welcomed by transport applications, with Didi to say in a statement that it is “a historic step in promoting a stable and healthy development of the industry. ” have the Uber pointed out that “demonstrates the recognition and support of the Government” to their services.

In 2015, about 100 million Chinese have asked at least once a vehicle through Apps

;. schoolmaster US technological Apple giant invested 1000 million dollars in Didi ChuXing, the market leader in China with a market share of 87 % of the market.




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