Sunday, December 27, 2015

5 games for Android, iOS and Windows Phone for you to play while enjoying a beach! – Purebreak Brazil

If the beach has flat, surely these little games for smartphone will leave everything so much cooler!

Go to the beach in this heat for sure It is pure fun. But sometimes it is very boring to stand still sunning and thinking about life. If you do not enjoy much reading a newspaper, magazine or already’re sick of talking to get the crowd on Whatsapp, a good idea is to spend time playing something. As soon as we have the games in the mood for Christmas, now binds that list to let your little beach much more fun!

1. “ Beach Buggy Racing

For those who enjoy good racing game, this title presents a very specific scenario Beach. The graphics are to leave any “ Mario Kart ” and “ Angry Birds GO! “, dying of envy. Can you customize the vehicle and obstacles are very interesting, guaranteeing good fun. Available for Android, iOS and Windows Phone.

2. “ Hungry Shark Evolution

Everyone knows that sharks are one of the most terrible animal in the world. But surely you should never have seen or known one like this, able to fly into space and end up with thousands of obstacles. Developed by Ubisoft, this game is super fun and is always updated. Available for Android, iOS, Windows Phone.

3. “ Vacation On The Beach

The graphics are the biggest style “ Minecraft “, one of the classics to the PC’s oldest, and the story follows the rhythm and crazy adventure. Can you swim in the ocean, fly hang-gliding, riding a slackline , collect items and – do not ask how this is possible – to explore Egypt in an archipelago! This fun madness is available for Android, iOS and Windows Phone.

4. “ Boom Beach

War on the beach? Easy, is not a trawler, but in this game you need to face a real battle that takes place in many coastal and island groups. Face multiple enemies and form new armies. In addition, the game is always updated with more adventures and challenges. Available for Android and iOS.

5. “ Bingo Beach + videobingo FREE

If you’re a video game in order to really relax, this is a great option. Bet on your hand, and you have with your grandma next door, surely she will want to play and have great fun. Available for Android and iOS.


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