Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Early retirements in the state reach higher value of … – publico





Last year, the General Pension Fund gave the green light to 23,300 new pensions requested by civil servants (14.6% more than in 2013), most of which relates to early retirement. The CGA dispatched 12,911 requests for anticipation, the highest value of the last decade and representing 55.4% of all new reforms. The data in the report and accounts of the CGA sent on Tuesday to the unions, who were summoned to a meeting of the Advisory Board scheduled for July 13.


                         The record number of early retirements, justifies the CGA, relates mainly to requests received at the end of 2012, following the exceptional influx of early retirement requests originated by prior knowledge of the worsening retirement conditions from 2013 “and ensuring that the requests would benefit from the old rules.

On average, civil servants anticipated that the reform had a penalty of 12.3%. The cut was, however, lower than that applied in 2013 (14.6%). This decrease has to do with the fact that most of these pensions are the result of applications lodged in 2012 and still benefited from less penalizing rules than those currently in force.

At the same time as early retirement reached the highest value of the decade, normal reforms (so-called voluntary) recorded the lowest number and has not exceeded 3,847. This was the result “of the successive increases in the normal retirement age access ode old age pension, which rose from 62.5 years in 2010 to 66 in 2014,” notes the Executive Board of the CGA, Nuno Fernandes Thomaz chaired by.

To have a comparison, the 19,530 attributed reforms in 2005, 8.1% were prepaid and 53.9% were voluntary. In 2014, these percentages are reversed, and total new assigned pensions, 55.4% were anticipating and 16.5% to voluntary reforms.

Looking for the source area of ​​the employees who have retired in 2014, it is concluded that most worked in Central Administration, although there has been a reduction in the number of people from these organisms. The largest increases occurred in the security forces, where the number of pensioners had increased by 82.5% and in municipalities with over 80% of retirees than in the previous year.

The total number of retirees and pensioners of the CGA has been increasing at an average rate of 2.7% in recent years, being 482,706 at the end of last year. The

number of subscribers has been declining at a rate of 4.6%. These dynamics are a result of the fact that since January 2006, CGA is a closed system (which does not accept new subscribers) and therefore prone to be deficient.

Reimbursement State increases 47.9 million

In 2014, the CGA has spent 9,492 million euros in pensions and other allowances, an increase of 729 million compared to the budget. This deviation is justified in the report, was due to lead the new Constitutional Court Solidarity Extraordinary Contribution (which was more severe) and the judgment that eliminated the cuts in compensation of employees with effect for a few months, which led to an increase in spending on pensions that are indexed to wages, as well as the recalculation of survivors’ pensions.

The receipts amounted to 4384 million euros, leaving 526 million higher than budgeted, because increased contributions by abolishing the wage cuts, among other measures.

The combination of these factors caused the state reimbursement to ensure the CGA’s financial balance has been higher than expected at 47, 9 million euros, amounting to 3870 million euros.

On average, CGA took eight months to send requests and to give green light to the award of pensions, below the target that was set and that He pointed to a period of six months answer. This did not surprise the institution’s leaders who recognize that the CGA activity “was strongly influenced by the change of the pension scheme.” And take for example the changes in the legal age for access to pensions and calculation formula. “Successive changes to the CGA pension scheme, which is currently fairly complex, permanently require a great adaptability of the CGA staff (…), the instructional process area one of the most affected.”



PS moves forward with design for 33.3% of women quota in … – Digital Journal

The PS today introduced a bill to establish minimum quotas of 33.3% of women on boards and inspection of public and private sector and in executive positions in public administration.

The bill, which reflects a measure that was contained in the electoral program of the PS, “stipulates that the collegial bodies of management and supervision of the public and private sector (in listed companies), the leaders of public administration positions considered by the ministry, is respected a minimum quota of representation of both sexes of 33.3%. “

” In the public sector, non-compliance is sanctioned with the nullity of the respective act of designation, and in the case of listed companies in Private sector scholarship, given the special nature of constitutional constraints, the option goes through a penalty reputational through a mandatory public signs of non-compliance over the internet, “reads the explanatory memorandum.

For all companies in the private sector is envisaged “the use of tax incentives, set annually in the State Budget of thirst.”

The initiative also establishes “a system of mandatory adoption of equality plans in the public and private sector “and determines” the sending of an annual report on the implementation of the law to Parliament until March 08 of each year. “

” As with the creation of legal conditions for achieving parity in political decision-making, it is now strengthening the legal framework for the economic parity of women and men, by setting parity thresholds for making economic sphere decision where Portugal is positioned in places a major disadvantage in the European and international framework “, argue the Socialists.

The PS believes that the approval of this bill will have” a decisive impact and represent a paradigm shift towards greater equity and justice social, and an extraordinary boost for the promotion of equality between men and women in Portuguese society.

The Government signed today with 13 listed companies, representing 70% of market capitalization, a compromise agreement to promote gender equality on boards of directors, told Lusa the Secretary of State Leonardo Mathias.

Ren, EDP, EDP Renováveis, BCP, CTT, Impresa and Media Capital are some of the companies that sign the commitment.

The Government had announced in the Council of Ministers held on March 5, the initiation of negotiations with the listed companies so that they commit themselves to include at least 30% of women in the respective boards of directors by the end of 2018

Digital Diary with Lusa



Wiko Sunset 2, a smartphone thinking about all portfolios – EN Journal


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Think about the less demanding users and not are willing to spend much on a smartphone, the Wiko Wiko released Sunset 2.

The Wiko Sunset 2 costs only 69 euros, one facing smartphone for users who want a new generation mobile phone but who are unwilling to spend a lot of money.

As its price implies, this Wiko is a lower range of equipment, offering more reasonable technical, tell yourself.

Equipped with Android 4.4, the Wiko Sunset 2 has a 4-inch screen and features a 1.4 GHz processor has to 4GB internal storage and only 512MB of RAM

Also the two chambers -.. front and rear – It has more modest characteristics. . A rear 2MP camera and a 1.3MP front of

This equipment, with the price of 69 euros will be available in four colors:. White, black, coral and turquoise

As we can see, is a very modest equipment features, facing an audience that wants to enter the era of smartphones without spending much money.



IC1 cut due to fire in Ourique – The Ball


                         Chilean in the final with bis Vargas – Chile is in the final of the Copa America after beating Peru 2-1. In a duel between Argentine coaches, selecting early hostess found herself benefited from the expulsion of the Peruvian Zambrano after just 20 minutes.
 At a meeting in which the player of Sporting, Andre Carrillo, was his first start in the competition, after 42 minutes, Eduardo Vargas put the lead Chileans. Peru, even reduced to 10, equalized with an own goal from Gary Medel but again, by the Vargas Roja selection ensured the much desired end.
 Chile, which seeks first win the title, is now waiting for the outcome of the other semi-final between Argentina and Paraguay.



National operational commander prepares era of fires “without … – publico






The national operational commander José Manuel Moura said Tuesday that having a time of victimless fires is “the main objective” of the forest fire fighting device, the purpose of the critical time when forest fires, known as phase Charlie which starts on Wednesday. For this, a bet was made on training to mitigate the risk. “We can get more burnt area, we can get more ignitions, but we get to zero victims are injured, are fatalities, are civilians or combatants, is the ultimate goal,” said José Manuel Moura.


                          The national commander of the National Civil Protection Authority (ANPC) said that the main objective of the special device to fight forest fires this year is “the continuing security forces.” “The device will be in full force from July 1. Let’s count with about 10,000 operating 24 hours a day and also with complementary device ground and air assets,” he added.

During the phase “Charlie” to fight forest fires, which runs from 1 July to 30 September, will be operational in 2234 teams 2050 vehicles, 9721 operational, is expected 49 air assets. Of the 49 air assets, 36 are initial attack, but there are problems with the aircraft for the extended attack, namely the state fleet of Kamov, where only one of the five is operational. “From Wednesday I want to tell who will be available 45, are the ones that are available,” said José Manuel Moura, stressing that “short-term” will be no more operational resources.

About four heavy helicopters, the commander added that one of them should become operational in the next end-of-week and one during the month of July, and integrated into the device as they are recovered. “This information does not depend on the technical side. At the national commander what is required is to have sufficient capacity to be able, at every moment, with the means we have to resolve the situation as best we can,” he said .

The forest fire fighting device, estimated this year at around 80 million euros, it is identical to 2014, with an increase of 17 teams in fire departments. José Manuel Moura explained that the strengthening of these 17 teams to fight forest fires is related to the installed capacity in fire departments. “While there is more availability had more difficulty in increasing the number of teams. They were the ones that found in the country among fire brigades,” he said.

The phase “Charlie” to fight forest fires succeeds the “Bravo,” which ends today and mobilized since May 15, 6583 and 1541 operating vehicles. The last interim report by the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forestry (ICNF) indicates that the

burnt area and the number of homes more than doubled this year compared to 2014.

According to ICNF, registaram- if, between January 1 and June 15, 6113 fire occurrences, more 3578 than in the same period of 2014. The report said that the 6113 fires resulted in 14,971 hectares of burnt area, 9446 more than in the same period 2014 when the flames consumed 5525 hectares.

José Manuel Moura recalled that the best year since records was 2014. “Compare with 2014 runs the risk of being to maximize this information. However already went through several heat waves this year and the number of ignitions has not increased from the average of recent years. At least we had a more efficient and effective control over the number of ignitions “, he said.

The commander of the ANPC said that “the framework for the Bravo stage corresponded very well” and was excellent. “Never did so much (in training) in a period between one device and another. All this will contribute to the means we want to achieve this year,” he said, pointing out that there is the variable weather conditions, which are essential to help reach good results.

Eleven held by the forest fire of crime

According to the Judicial Police (PJ), there have been 11 arrests until June 24, 8 less than in the same period of 2014. Most of the arrests took place in the center of the country.

The data sent to the Lusa agency submit that four arrests were made by the Criminal Investigation Department of Aveiro, two were carried out by the Directorate of the Center and two other North Division. In Leiria, Vila Real and South directory there was an arrest in each.

In the last week, the GNR announced that, as part of measures to patrolling and surveillance of forest areas and first intervention in forest fires, 36 people were arrested this year, 22 more than in the same period 2014, and identified 532 plus 292. The GNR also noted this year 535 notices of infraction for infringing the National System defense Forest Fire (SNDFCI).

Speaking to Lusa, PJ says that the forest arsonists profile study held in 2014 (a total of 46) found that 15 arson ( about 33%) had already been investigated by the same kind of forest fire crime.



Apple Music. The phone wants to be the king of radio – iOnline

Apple Music. The phone wants to be the king of radio


Tim Cook, Apple’s number 1, during the presentation of Apple Music a few weeks ago Apple Ana Thomas 30/06/2015 13:06:55


It is launched today worldwide the new proposal of the American manufacturer.


“All forms of live music. All together. ” This is how Apple presents its new service, Apple Music, which is released today (at 11am New York, 16h in mainland Portugal). All with the ambition of custom. The service is available with the latest version of the operating system iPhone: iOS 8.4. That is, at the appointed time, the update is available for download and there comes the Apple Music. The platform joins the sales of music, the American manufacturer leads with iTunes, a streaming service and a radio station, all within a single app.

The aim is to provide users access to millions of songs, serve as a reference in music, with programs and professionals connected to the area and provide a continuous radio broadcast, as well as deepen the connection between artists and fans. Apple Music content will be therefore divided into three parts: music, radio and connect. Let’s see it then.


Competitor direct face the music services like Spotify, this aspect of the new

proposal from Apple allows those who join the platform access the music library Apple Music – Remember that through iTunes, Apple has a nearly catalog 40 million songs. Themes, artists and albums chosen based on what users hear and their preferences (the such algorithms) as well as latest news are some of the options available. The songs can be heard on tracks, albums, or lists a combination made to the user’s taste measure. The iTunes store will be part of the Apple Music package.


Radio Los Angeles, New York and London are the basis of the studios from which will be sent to Beats 1, the radio station of the service, which will take daily and without interruption issued, enters the air an hour after the commercial debut Apple Music and, in addition to songs, will have culture and talk shows.

The first program will be presented by famous announcer who was until very recently on BBC Radio 1 and host of MTV Rocks, Zane Lowe. In this inaugural issue, Lowe interview rapper Eminem. According to “The New York Times,” are planned other programs, not only of professional radio authorship but also emissions in charge of much more known names: Dr. Dre (the former owner of the Beats, which gives its name to the radio ), Pharrell Williams, Elton John, Drake, St. Vincent, Josh Homme of Queens of The Stone Age, and Jaden Smith, the Disclosure are some of the musicians that Apple has confirmed as future presenters. A pair of radio Beats 1, Apple also announced the reformulation of the remaining radio stations -. Related to iTunes Radio service, something like Pandora, a popular service in the US


Connect The third module promises to be one of the strengths of the new service proposed by the owner of the iPhone, offering fans the chance to interact with their favorite artists. A kind of social network but entirely dedicated to musicians and what do these beyond the editing discs. Through the “Connect” you can comment, do “like” and share the material published by a particular artist. This platform can be found demo versions unreleased officially, acoustic versions of past hits or a video recorded in the studio, made by the artist himself (somewhat in the manner of what you can do with the Soundcloud). Musicians can leave phrases, photographs and what else they want, as if to make use of a wall in the manner of Facebook.


Details The first working day of the Music Apple is expected to reach 100 countries, including Portugal, and will be available in all Apple devices, including iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch (and Apple Watch). Through iTunes, you can also access the service on computers, Mac and PC. Promised for the autumn are versions for the Android operating system and Apple TV.

In the first quarter using the Apple Music is free but Apple is committed to pay royalties on such use at no cost to the consumer (ie after the dispute led last week by Taylor Swift) After that, you can opt for two types of subscription: individual, which should be around 9.99 euros, and the family, allowing access to a maximum of six people and has an estimated value of 14.99 euros (price to be confirmed). According to the website of Apple, even unsigned you can listen to the radio Beats 1 and see what artists are published in the “Connect”.

 On the announcement of the technology giant to a new way of listening to music, everything is to be confirmed. But that Apple has revolutionized since the music industry, this is a certainty.




Apple Music arrives today and is free for three months – Daily News – Lisbon

The service streaming Apple’s music is on Tuesday at a hundred countries, including Portugal. The Apple Music is the iPhone maker’s response to the popularity of other services streaming , like Spotify and Tidal, who have been saying to the iTunes expense, but it will be worth for consumers?

The simple answer is yes, at least in the first three months, which is free. Ie, users have a quarter to try the service and if they do not want to pay the monthly fee of 9.99 euros, cancel the automatic subscription at the end of that period.

There is an individual subscription and a family, it costs 14.99 euros and includes up to six people.

Apple launches the service at a time when online music sales are falling, with consumers preferring the streaming where can listen the songs over the internet without having to buy them.

The base of millions who are already Apple customers can be valuable to launch the service, since the US giant arrives Late this game: Spotify is already well installed (86% of nortemaricano market). The service will also be available for the Android platform, but only in the fall.

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New Bank. Proposals far from the 4.9 billion – iOnline

New Bank. Proposals far from the 4.9 billion


Those interested in the institution must now deliver the final proposals for the new Bank. Banco de Portugal wanted to deal closed in summer.


The five interested in buying the New Bank (NB) deliver today, to 17.00, the final proposals to the Bank of Portugal (BoP). The market believes that none of the proposed approaches, even out of the € 4.9 billion that were required to capitalize the bank, but that may be on the table other issues that value offers such as capital



Operations required for NB can stay abreast of the sector in Portugal, with regard to capital ratios. According to the opening balance of the institution, the Core Tier I ratio of NB was 9.5%, down from 10% recorded by the other institutions.


In the run on the bank led by Eduardo Stock da Cunha, who was with the healthy assets of BES are Spain’s Santander, the Anbang and Fosun Chinese and Americans Cerberus and Apollo. The Bank of Portugal has not made any statements, telling just how many stakeholders are still in the race at the end of each procedure.


For the Chinese Fosun, already owners of Fidelity – the insurer belonging to the Caixa Geral de Depósitos – the purchase of the New Bank would mean the entry into the banking sector in Portugal. It is recalled that part of EDP and REN already belong also to the Chinese Three Gorges and the State Grid, respectively. Getting a bank would be an asset even for business expansion of Chinese investors in the country.


Sources close to the process say the Anbang will have the highest bid in terms of value, but the Fosun will offer other counterparts. In the race are still the Apollo investment fund – who had already tried to buy Fidelity – and Cerberus. And the Spanish Santander, which were more than one time as data out of the race, but have a unique advantage: they are the only European institution interested in NB


Remember that the final word on the buyer will be given by the European Central Bank, since the NB was born the measure of resolution applied to BES. After delivered proposals, the BOP can still negotiate with several competitors before the final decision. Carlos Costa has said it wanted the sale process closed during the summer, although the resolution mechanism provide that the bridge bank to be sold within two years after its creation.


If it is confirmed that the winning bid does not reach the 4.9 billion euros, will be the resolution fund – that is, the other national system banks – to bear the losses. The Economic recently reported that this support, however, would have little impact on the banks of results, as could be done by an extended deadline.


It is recalled that at the time of resolution, NB received money as follows: 3.9 billion were guaranteed by a state loan 700 million for a loan from the bank and 300 million settlement fund’s capital ( coming from contributions from normal financial institutions since 2012).




Monday, June 29, 2015

iOS 8.4, Apple Music and more will be available from Tuesday – Globo.com

After months of waiting, the final version of iOS 8.4 will finally come to users, on Tuesday (30). And this will not be the only novelty announced by Apple . According to senior director of Apple Music , Ian Rogers, the brand will also launch its new streaming music service and the radio Beats 1.

Seven questions and answers about Apple Music and how it will work

Apple Music

Launched in WWDC 2015 conference for business developers, Apple Music is a combination of music streaming service with a social network of artists. Through the program, musicians can post videos, photos and even dedicated lanes for platform subscribers.

The service, which has more than 30 million music, come to compete with large applications as Spotify, Deezer and Rdio , but, unlike competitors who have a paid version and another free, the software is only available to those who pay for it -. 9.99 dollars per month, or $ 14.99 per month for the family package (up to six people)

It is safe to update the iPhone through iTunes? Comment on TechTudo Forum

Remember that those who are already manufacturer customer can test the Apple Music, free for three months, through the Apple ID. The deadline to experience the streaming of music is bigger than this by competitors Spotify and Deezer, which comes a month at most.

Another great new feature of the Apple Music is the radio 24 hours per day, which will be broadcast three cities: Los Angeles, New York and London. As would be expected, the Beats1 will be the main radio station of the Apple Music, led by DJs Zane Lowe, Ebro Darden and Julie Adenuga.

In this first phase, the service come to iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac and even Windows, but intends soon also reach the Android operating system.

Radio Beats 1

During the months of waiting, Apple said a bit about what we can expect from the new company’s radio service, Beats 1. She said the idea is to bring a list of famous songs, always accompanied by big names. The Cult of Mac website cited the example of Dr. Dre, who must win a program with the best music from hip hop and R

& B. In addition, other big names like Jaden Smith and Elton John must also have a guaranteed space on schedule.

In addition, the Beats 1 should bring a substantial list of respondents. As was said during the WWDC, the Apple Music idea is to strengthen the relationship between artists and fans. Thus, the presence of Eminem, Drake, Pharrell Williams and other famous is guaranteed in the new Radio Apple.


On Tuesday, the first online radio program will be presented by DJ Zane Lowe, who will interview the rapper Eminem. Already during the first week, Apple promises attractions as presenters Pharrell Williams, Elton John, Drake and other musicians.

Unlike past events, where Apple always releases update software at 14h the day of release, this time the announcement with the news happen two hours before the usual time, ie noon. That’s because an hour later will enter the air Beats 1, with special programming edited by expert DJs.

Users with beta versions of iOS 8.4 and iOS 9 can already view a page Apple Music and Beats 1 radio on their devices. However, it is not possible to register -. Only hear an introduction about the service

Via Fistfulayen


Apple wants to create the next Spotify – Journal News





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Fire in Mangualde hit three houses – Journal News





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Delayed reading Manuel de sentence “Stick” – TVI24

The reading of the judgment of the case of the alleged murderer of S. João da Pesqueira was on Monday postponed to July 10 due to a “no material change” of the charge related to the number of shots.

Manuel Pinto Baltazar, called “Stick” is alleged to have fired a weapon type shotgun against his daughter and ex-wife (Sonia and Maria Angelina Baltazar Baltazar, who were injured) and two of this family (the aunt and mother, Elisa Barros and Maria Lina Silva, who died).

The indictment states that Manuel Baltazar reached first Elisa Barros, then Maria Angelina and then, at a time when Sonia and Maria Lina had their backs, at a distance of about five meters, again wielded the weapon and fired, hitting his daughter and his ex-mother in law.

The president of the group of judges, Candida Martin, read a resolution that aimed to realize that at this moment two shots were fired, taking into account that said several witnesses and assistants during the presentation of evidence and traces found on site.

According to the judge, Manuel Baltazar “acted with intent to cause death” either the daughter or the ex-mother in law.

“These are achievements,” he said, adding that it is not anything new and this is a matter that is being debated throughout the trial.

Nevertheless, the lawyer Manuel Baltazar, Manuel Rodrigues, said not do without the term to exercise the right of defense and therefore the reading of the judgment was postponed to July 10.

Manuel Baltazar is charged with four degree murder (two of whom attempted the way) occurred in Valongo of Olive in April 2014 a prohibited weapon detention crime and other violations of prohibitions or taboos .

On leaving the courtroom, Manuel Rodrigues admitted that with or without this amendment to the indictment, “Palito” does not deliver the maximum sentence of 25 years in prison because he confessed two murders.

However, he remained convinced that he did not kill his ex-wife nor his daughter and therefore is concerned a “matter of honor”.

“For Manuel, this issue is important. It is a matter of honor, conscience, humanity, values ​​that make us people, “he justified.


lawyer considered that the need for this decision is linked to” structural deficiencies notorious and evident “in the indictment, for which has drawn attention from the start of the process.

“If the facts resulting from the investigation and trial were in charge, the court did not need to be amended. The problem has to do with the indictment, which was formulated as allowed not conclude that Manuel fired a shot in the grandmother and the other daughter, “he added.

Your role as lawyer is “exhausted all defense mechanisms” to clarify the facts in favor of his client, despite admitting “have no expectation of punishment.”


Apple launches music service and iOS update on Tuesday – Digital Journal

 The music streaming service from Apple, the Apple Music, will be released by the company on Tuesday. Along with the digital music platform, the company will provide the operating system iOS 8.4 update that should enable the application of music. The information was published by Ian Rogers, senior director of Apple Music, on the company blog.

The Beats1, online radio service from Apple, should go to the air for the first time right away. With this feature, the company broadcast programming similar to FM radio three locations at the beginning: Los Angeles (USA), New York (USA) and London (UK). These programs will feature presenters who will reproduce new songs and will interview artists.

Apple Music will work on iOS devices updated with version 8.4 and on computers with the Mac and Windows systems, which are with the latest version of iTunes. According to the company, soon due out a version of the Apple Music for Android devices.

Launched in early June during the WWDC 2015 (Apple event for programmers), Apple Music is a mix of service streaming music with social networking artists. With the “Connect” feature, musicians can post videos, photos or dedicated lanes for subscribers apple company platform.

Apple Music is different from its competitors because it will only have paid subscription (in the US the price will be $ 10 / month). Other services (such as Spotify, Deezer and Rdio, for example) have a paid model and “freemium”. In the latter mode, the user does not pay to listen. However, is interrupted by

announcements from time to time



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Apple enters the race of streaming music services – publico





A new streaming music service is to rival Spotify, Pandora, Google Music, Last FM, Rdio and Deezer. We talk about Apple Music, a bet of the brand you want to convince the market with exclusive content and “features”.


                         The Apple Music was presented by Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, in WWCD (World Wide Developers Conference – Apple’s official conference for researchers), and will be put on the market on June 30, after iOS 8.4 update.

Consisting of a portfolio of about 30 million songs, the new product has a monthly cost of 9.99 dollars (8.85 euros) or a value of $ 14.99 per month (13 30 euros) for family package (up to six people). The first three months are free subscription

One of the novelties of the Apple Music is the continuous radio broadcast, 24 hours, seven days a week, which will be broadcast live three cities -. Los Angeles, New York and London. The BeatsOne is the main radio station, led by DJs Zane Lowe, Ebro Darden and Julie Adenuga.

The Connet service and Siri (integration of Virtual Interface Apple) promise also differentiate this service from other the ventas digital music market. The first allows artists to do uploaded , share and access the opinions of fans and the latter may, in turn, do “likes” and share content in a kind of corporate blog. As for Siri, research music and espefícicos artists has never been so simple and fast. Other songs are also suggested for the service, based on a choice made by users at first contact with the tool.

Apple Music is available initially for the brand devices –

iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches and Mac – and with Windows, but want very soon cover the Android operating system.

With a portfolio of 800 million customers, Apple is willing to compete with Spotify, which has about 600 million users, of which, 15 million are paying subscribers.

Rivalry or not, the fact is that just hit the market plus a good choice of app music, suitable for runners who do not waste a good sound for greater motivation in training

Click the image to access the video presentation of the Apple Music



Dominated fire in Odemira – Digital Journal

The fire that raged since Sunday in a jungle area in Malhada Formosa, in the town of Savoy, municipality of Odemira, Beja district, was mastered, this morning, reported Civil Protection.

According to the information available on the website of the National Civil Protection Authority by 03:45, 262 operating, supported by terrestrial means 95 still on the ground.

The fire, which sparked by 13:30 Sunday, arrived to force the trigger air assets

Digital Daily / Lusa



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It is already on Tuesday that reaches the Apple Music, and tassels – EN Journal


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The streaming music service from Apple comes on Tuesday, the 30th, for iPhone users and iPad.

Apple Music comes at a time when the way ‘consume’ the music is changing dramatically, passing the stream to be the preferred form for most of mobile device users hear music.

After the emergence of Spotify and the sharp drop of sales on iTunes, Apple has had to reinvent itself (again) and launch a service to compete and, above all, hold the users own

After a few disputes with various artists, especially Taylor Swift -. where the brand led by Tim Cook had to give way to some criticism – Apple officially launches the Apple Music tomorrow, the 30th, and with ‘tassels’.

Apple streaming service comes through an update, iOS 8.4, and to pamper users, Apple will give a tassel three months. After this grace period, the user going to pay, at least in Europe, 9.90 euros / month.

Despite being a new service, the

Apple Music will host some iTunes features and services, such as playlists created by users, for example.
