Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Obstetrician who gave birth to Prince George honored - Daily News - Lisbon

At 70, Marcus Setchell postponed retirement to accompany the birth of Kate Middleton in July. Now, Queen Elizabeth II will give him the second highest distinction of England.

The Queen of England announced today that the obstetrician and gynecologist who gave birth to Prince George, the third in line to the throne, will be honorary Knight (Knight Commander), the second highest award in the country.

Setcheel Marcus, 70, postponed retirement to be able to follow the birth of the son of Kate

Middleton and Prince William, on July 22. During the summer, the doctor had at its disposal a police escort to be able to go as soon as possible to meet the Duchess of Cambridge at the hospital.

A total of 1195 persons will be distinguished by the Queen. This year, for the first time since the creation of the Order of the British Empire, more women (51%) than men among the honorees.

These distinctions are awarded twice a year: on 1 January and the day of the Queen’s official birthday, which is celebrated on the first, second or third Saturday in June


absences from tennis player Andy Murray and footballer David Beckham’s list of the distinguished personalities are causing some surprise in England.

Storefront TeK: 2013 - the year that Big Brother took the name ... - TeK.sapo

When Edward Snowden revealed the first contours of the PRISM system maintained by the NSA were confirmed many of the suspicions and warnings that had previously been disclosed, but we managed to mostly a mass of global awareness on access to private and confidential information of citizens and governments by some North American entities

The idea that the U.S. government -. governments and others – can spying shared through information email messages, phone calls, conversations Skype, photographs and posts placed on social networks is old, and many of the scandal of the global surveillance system Echelon and its use for industrial espionage on European companies will remember. But the analyst Edward Snowden managed by disclosing information to some newspapers bring the problem to the conversations of coffee, and popularize this awareness that little (or nothing) than share in electronic form is private.

alt=”votação” src=”http://imgs.sapo.pt/gfx/572161.gif” So it is not surprising that among the technological themes selected by the editors as the TeK more relevant in 2013 does end up to be so among the most voted on by readers, achieving 50% of the more than 1,200 votes.

Since June, when the first information about the Prism were revealed, the data flow has not stopped, and still is learned that the National Agency for North American Security (NSA) can intercept the shipment of some equipment in order to put under surveillance prior to their arrival to their rightful owners.

manhunt that was opened to locate and arrest Edward Snowden helped popularize the information, but also the positions that have been taken by some countries, clearly against the U.S. massive use of technology by the government to spy on others countries, businesses and citizens, as is the case

of Brazil, whose president opened the 68th Summit of the United Nations with a speech focused on this issue.

The reports gathered around the information related to the PRISM indicate that 75 % of Internet traffic is monitored by the NSA. And the giants of technology and communications have not escaped unscathed this black film, having been proven that information was shared in the context of surveillance, even if some have opposed frontally and exerted pressure for greater clarity of procedures.

known details of the technological park that sustains the surveillance system show how the ability of information processing and data processing is being used, justify investment in large datacenters. But the collection processes extend the Internet and communication services, mobile phones, video cameras and microphones and portable smartphones.

And the tentacles own NSA and CIA are scattered around the world, revealing former NSA analyst that agencies of the U.S. intelligence have 80 offices scattered across the globe, 19 of which are in Europe. One of them will be operating in Portugal, as indicated by a document revealed by Edward Snowden and published by Dutch newspaper “NRC.”

The interest of the reporting agency is not limited to terrorist activities, as could be justified by Patriotic Act, but also includes games like World of Warcraft, titles on Xbox Live, or activity in virtual worlds like Second Life through a monitoring plan that it started in 2008.

It seems nothing and no one is safe from this monitoring system and the rate of release of information that has been made, it is very likely that in 2014 new contours know if this scandal.

This week we will continue to address the various themes that marked the year 2013, chosen by the editors and voted on by readers. And as usual, the comments box is open to all who wish to contribute to the balance of the year now ending.

Written under the new Orthographic Agreement

Google admits that 'slept on point' with social networks - Reuters

Google admits «dormiu in ponto» with sociais networks

director of Google, Schmidt Erifc made their predictions for 2014 and in the middle, finally admitted what many people already suspected:. than the search giant ‘slept on point’ with social networks

“My biggest mistake is not to anticipate the emergence and growth of the phenomenon of social networking,” said the executive, who shortly thereafter amended that Google “will not make that mistake again.”

According to Schmidt, one of the reasons for the Mountain View company has lagged behind in this area now dominated by Facebook is that Google was working on many other things.

Currently, Google is focusing its efforts on Google+ social platform that

has not yet taken off, despite the high number of users, as the interplay between them is still much smaller than Facebook, which already exceeds the 1.1 billion users worldwide.

In addition, the executive, known for his statements and forecasts of impact was more economical this time to point out what everyone knows: the growing field of smartphone. ‘Everyone will have a smartphone. The trend of Mobile was to win, and win now, “he said, also emphasizing the trend of tablets and smartphones surpass sales of PCs

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Princess Victoria of Sweden suffered a skiing accident - News Journal

Princess Victoria of Sweden had an accident in the snow during the cold of the Swedish royal family at the “resort” of Breuil-Cervinia, in northern Italy and was transported helicopter to the city of Aosta.

cold in the Alps ended in the best way for Princess Victoria of Sweden, who suffered a minor skiing accident on Monday.

The accident happened when the princess, 36, her husband, Prince

Daniel, and other members of the royal family skied at the resort of Breuil-Cervinia in northern Italy. Victoria was immediately transported helicopter to the city of Aosta, before being taken to the hospital in Geneva, His.

Victoria injured in a w but APSA embodiment of an X-ray was found that was nothing serious. “This does not affect your cold nor their publics commitments. Talked to her and everything is fine,” said Ulrika Nsholm, spokesman for the Swedish royal house.

However, the princess is already back in the company of other members of the Swedish royal house.

Crabs can help rebuild skin and bones - Daily News - Lisbon

The biomedical and pharmaceutical industry is interested in exploring recent discoveries of new uses to give pounded crabs, among which, according to an investigation, reconstruction of tissues from compounds extracted from their shells.

Francisco Avelelas student of 23 years of the School of Tourism and Technology of the Sea of ??Peniche, argued a week ago research masters, whereby compounds extracted from the shells of crustaceans have antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant and even protein.

“can be used in coatings

of implants to increase the time of not rejecting the prosthesis and dressings that with these antibacterial and antifungal activities, allow faster healing of tissues,” explained Lusa biologist.

Moreover, reuse also have the coating of fruits and other products to increase shelf life, the coating of tablets or less harmful to health composition of agricultural pesticides and the environment.

According to the study, can integrate the tablet formulation for weight loss, allowing “the lipids are not absorbed and processed by the body to prevent calories when we have a more caloric diet.”

Despite being caught with other species in fishing gear, pounded the crabs have no economic value for fishing, since they are not consumed.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Fewer births from 2009-2012 with some exchange ... - Journal News

The birth rate has fallen in recent four years and increased fetal-neonatal mortality eps in the last two, indicates a comparative study based on the years between 2009 and 2012.

estatstico work, published by the General direction of Sade, almost 200 pages analyzes the evolution of the birth rate and mortality and stresses in particular an increase in fetal mortality (before birth) in 2012 compared with 2011. Neonatal mortality (children under 28 days) remained identically to 2011 but rose in relaoa 2010.

also increase the post-neonatal (children older than 28 days and less than one year) in the same period of comparison, especially in Central and Algarve (excepting the Alentejo

where decreased).

There were fewer fetal deaths in hospitals, but increased in domiclios, indicates the study, in which l: “In 2012 there was an increase in mortality rate that has existed without a difference overall (with any meaning Stats septic) in the respective infant mortality in comparison with the previous year or for 2009. “

“In disponvel information of births in hospitals publics revealed that in 2012 continue to increase low birth weight despite the substantial decrease in the number of births,” says study in which an analysis is recommended to “worrying” increase in late fetal mortality.

In the analysis of the data was less fetal death in North and Lisbon regions but more at the Centro, Alentejo and Algarve. Tambma neonatal mortality declined in 2012 in North and Lisbon regions (relative to 2009) and increased in the remaining regions compared to 2010.

Union of Parishes of the Historic Centre of Oporto want to receive ... - The Associated Press

President of the Union of Parishes of the historic center of Porto, António Fonseca, will propose to the government that you install in the buildings it manages, Citizen Shops. António Fonseca ensures that the buildings of the old parish councils Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Se, Miragaia, S. Nicholas and Victoria have “space” to receive these services.

“We have the capacity, resources and strategic locations are in the city,” summarizes António Fonseca on the idea you want to convey in the coming days, the Government, “with knowledge to the prime minister.” The suggestion of the president of the largest villages Porto comes on the same day that, in Lisbon, one of the three encerrava Citizen Shops in the city, the Restorers.

mayoral North ensures that the proposal to have the government can only please the executive Pedro Passos Coelho, since it solves one of the problems cited as justification for closing the shop Restorers. “The government is saying that the main reason for closing this space is the high cost to income, which is around 600,000 euros per year. Because I want to provide the space of six ancient joints without the state having to pay any income, “he says. The reason for this generosity is only one: “We want to provide a service to the community and help end the huge queues at the only store in town citizen.”

António Fonseca speaks from experience. There are still weeks, he explains, was to wait hours to be seen at the store located in the building known as the Torre das Antas, on the Avenue of Ferdinand Magellan. “I took a Password morning, but it was to be served in the afternoon. There are people who are there all day “A reality that is expressed in their own web page that service, which contained the warning:.” Please note that due to the flow of visitors, some service stations can interrupt distributing passwords earlier. We appreciate your understanding. “

mayoral recalls that collaboration between parishes and services the state is nothing new and is said to be convinced

that the employees own the joint could, with appropriate training, to ensure the Citizen Shops installed in buildings in which they work. “We have a protocol with IEFP [Institute for Employment and Vocational Training] that allows the unemployed to obtain the joint proof of mandatory presentation. We have the capacity to do more. We could have joints citizen shops with Social Security, Finance, SEF [Aliens and Borders], all services. And the government could choose to have our staff there, with training, or move to there own human resources, “he says.

Port only has a Citizen’s Shop, despite various political forces clamoring for several years, opening a second space, more central. In Lisbon, the store closure leaves Restorers of the capital with two spaces of the same gender, in Orange and Marvila. As already reported PUBLIC, the government reported, however, intend to create multiple “Spaces Citizen” in the city, but are still not clear on what conditions they will work.

Store Citizen of Porto has been loosing a lot of services in recent years, including in 2013, the counters of ADSE and CGD. The will of Antonio Fonseca is that the citizens of the city can enjoy the services provided by the Citizen’s Shop in the six parishes of the old buildings downtown and the historic center.

elected by the independent list Rui Moreira mayor also noted that the new schedule of six buildings – in operation since December 1, uninterruptedly, Monday to Friday, between 9am and 18h ??- is another more- appreciation that the Government should take into account.

In their view to extend the services provided to citizens, António Fonseca has focused on a set of protocols with city institutions. The latest – released yesterday by Journal News – is to Raditaxis and will allow, from February, residents of the union of parishes can purchase a special pass which, for 35 euros, they will make ten trips in taxis that company, within the city of Porto. The protocol has a probation period of three months, but travel can be used over a year. The mayor has also promised to provide hairdressing services to some of its older neighborhood and create a museum with ancient heritage of the six joints that were fused in the present.

Rebuild skin and bones with shells of crabs - TVI24

biomedical and pharmaceutical industry is interested in exploring recent discoveries of new uses to give pounded crabs, among which, according to a research, tissue reconstruction from compounds extracted from their shells.

Francisco Avelelas student of 23 years of the School of Tourism and Technology of the Sea of ??Peniche, argued a week ago research masters, whereby compounds extracted from the shells of crustaceans have antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant and even protein.

‘can be used in coatings of implants to increase the time of not rejecting the prosthesis and dressings that with these antibacterial and antifungal activities, allow faster healing of tissues, “he explained to Lusa biologist.

Also, have also reuse the coating of fruits and other products to increase shelf life, the coating of tablets or less harmful to health composition of agricultural pesticides and the environment.

According to the study, can

integrate the tablet formulation for weight loss, allowing ‘the lipids are not absorbed and processed by the body to prevent calories when we have a more caloric diet. “

Although with other species being caught in fishing gear, pounded the crabs have no economic value for fishing, since they are not consumed.

But, with research around the shells of crustaceans, biologists wished to give value to the feature, putting not only the fishermen catching the fish but also the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries to commercially exploit these new uses industry and there is already interest from a company in this area.

In addition to the industrial application of this raw material, the company intends to come to install a new plant in Peniche, an investment of one million euros which may create half a dozen skilled jobs, Lusa said Sérgio Leandro researcher who led the Masters.

The researcher argued that there are conditions to install a biotech cluster in the city, since, like the crabs, other marine resources that may be studied and exploited for other uses other than fishing.

PSP dismantling drug trafficking network in Lisbon - The Associated Press

PSP arrested 22 drug traffickers on Sunday morning, in the neighborhood of the Red Cross in Lumiar district of Lisbon. This was the result of an investigation that lasted eight months and involved about 100 police officers.

Detainees are aged between 17 and 63 years. Nineteen are men and three are women, and among the 22, only one has Portuguese nationality, is Cape Verde.

devoted itself to the direct sale of heroin, cocaine and hashish in the neighborhood of the Red Cross, in particular, near a leisure center for young people of the Parish of Lumiar, a kindergarten, a school of 1 cycle and a school of elementary and secondary education.

“It was a situation that deserved special attention from us because it created a sense of insecurity and transmission that was made in visual terms was not positive,” said the commander of the Criminal Investigation Division of Lisbon, sub-intendant Silva Resende.

same officer stated that, although this is considered an “urgent” operation took eight months to be performed “in order to leave no traces of this group.”

Resendo Silva added that “it is not an offshoot of another organization” and that the area of ??Alta de Lisboa got rid of “one of the main groups [traffickers], with greater activity and larger city of Lisbon.”

The operation was developed by the 3rd Squadron of Criminal Investigation (EIC) of Lisbon, which integrates the Criminal Investigation Division of Lisbon.

Early Sunday morning, around 8:45, officers of PSP, which were on the ground to observe the alleged drug dealers, registered their first sale to a customer in the neighborhood of the Red Cross. Shortly thereafter, and after having collected the search warrants, the PSP officers made a total of 25 house searches, which involved the District Red Cross, other areas of Lumiar and Trafaria (concelhod and Almada).

13,000 euros were seized cash, two cars, high cylinder, 14 kilograms of hashish, 700 grams of heroin, 100 grams of cocaine, four firearms (shotgun two shotguns and two pistols 6.35 mm and 9 mm), 383 ammunition, one bulletproof vest, two cars and other equipment, such as cameras, precision balances, a TV and three laptops.

were held on Monday aoTribunal gifts of Criminal Procedure Lisbon for the 1st Judicial Interrogation and application of coercive measures, which should be known by late afternoon.

Upcoming Audi cars can come equipped with Android - TeK.sapo

Google and Audi may announce next week a partnership that would bring the Android operating system up to the German car manufacturer. The software was implemented in an information and entertainment that some vehicle models will support system.

The partnership between the two multinationals should be announced at the Consumer Electronic Show. . According to The Wall Street Journal there are more companies involved, such as Nvidia, so that Android can be also become an integral part of the automobile industry

The goal undergoes convey the same Android experience – supported by services like Google Maps, Google Play, Google Music and YouTube – in a car. Per year are sold about 80 million light vehicles, a large segment that can still be exploited by large


Recently, Audi also announced the deployment of 4G technology in some of their vehicles and may ultimately display at CES autonomous driving cars -. an area where Google also has specialized

The question is whether this is a response from Google to Apple to BMW or Audi, as the Bavarian manufacturer has established a partnership with the brand of apple for the iOS will be integrated in some car models. Apple has also partnered with Mercedes, with General Motors and Honda. One of the elements highlighted in iOS in the Car is the Siri Assistant, which lets you send messages and listen to incoming SMS via voice commands.

The BlackBerry is another company that is also in this war and through QNX, a software-based Unix and giving life to BlackBerry 10, is exploring a partnership with the luxury brand Bentley.

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Rdio terminating Vdio streaming video service and repay ... - Good info

startup stopped offering videos on 27/12 and will send gift cards from Amazon for subscribers who purchased films and TV series

Only eight months after its launch, the streaming service Vdio video, released by the same creators of startup Rdio, are closing their doors. The Vdio bet on version began operating in April 2013, only to subscribers to the music streaming service Rdio and then opened for all users in June.

site, Vdio informs users that decided to close the doors because “we concluded that we would not be able to deliver a differentiated experience for consumers or a business model that is attractive to

investors.” Users who purchased movies or TV shows no longer have access to videos purchased and compensated receiving gift cards from Amazon equivalent in value to its assets.

Unlike music service Rdio, whose revenue model is subscription based, the Vdio offering films and TV programs for rent or purchase. But when compared to competitors, such as iTunes and Amazon, the Vdio had not much to offer. It only worked in web browsers and on the iPad, leaving behind smartphones and set-top boxes, and the list of available videos had no differential.

Rdio is also now cutting their costs in that it attempts to remain competitive against Spotify, so the closure of Vdio makes even more sense, helping the music service to keep your focus on the core business, which is pretty good .

Sunday, December 29, 2013

China bans videogame for national security threat - The Associated Press

threat to national security. This was the argument put forward by the Chinese government to ban the sale of the country Battlefield 4 , the latest version of the famous video game war of Electronic Arts for computers and next-generation consoles.

At issue in the decision of the Chinese authorities is not the game itself but an expansion pack with a new storyline and missions that players can download online . Titled China Rising, its action takes place in China in 2020 and follows the fictional story of a Chinese admiral and his crusade to topple the government.


site PCgames, the Chinese Ministry of Culture classified the game illegal for “threatening national security” and represent a form of “cultural aggression”. The ban has now been announced includes all materials related to the game, including promotional posters and demos. Also the term “ZhanDi4″ Chinese translation for Battlefield 4 , was censored in sites as Weibo, the largest social network in the country.

Launched last October, Battlefield 4 is available in several markets in North America, Europe, Japan and Oceania. The U.S. Electronic Arts, a leading manufacturer of video games in the world – are her titles like FIFA soccer simulation, but also hit games like The Sims, Medal of Honor and Need for Speed ??-., Declined comment on the matter

Sony and Panasonic enclose partnership for OLED TVs - Tecmundo

 Sony and Panasonic enclose partnership for OLED TVs (Image Source: Reproduction / TheVerge)

Last year, Sony and Panasonic have signed a partnership agreement for the two begin working together. The focus was on the production of televisions, and

Panasonic would use the technology of OLED displays in their products. The two companies had good expectations, but the reality was not that good.

This week, the companies announced that they formally ended their work as partners, canceling the contract made in 2012. According to what was reported, it was the simple fact that the two have failed to create a durable product or a price that would make the investment profitable.

, Panasonic and Sony should focus their individual efforts on producing TVs with 4K resolution – which, although they are still at the beginning of their development, have sold almost 2 million units worldwide. Thus, you may come in January with news of these two companies, announced at CES 2014.

Return to natal 80s: the classic game of ... - The Associated Press

is possible that those responsible for the Internet Archive have passed the 25th of December to play and only the second post-Christmas Eve day we have remembered to share with other internet users launch the project The Living Room Console (A Room Console). They did so on Thursday, the 26th, with the satisfaction of those who give a Christmas gift late.

A gift that turns into 963. Is this the number of video games that the Internet Archive has just made available online , in order to be played freely. And there are not any 963-game -. Titles are the vanguard of home consoles that, in the 1970s and 1980s, protagonizavam nightmares owners halls arcade industry

The gamers began at that time to stay home with their Atari, Coleco or Astrocade and progressively left to spend coins in antiquated arcades (who does not know what they are can appeal to YouTube and Tron ). . Money began to be spent on consoles and in the myriad of game that every month arrived in stores in cartridges

Some of these video games have become very popular: Space Invaders , Pacman , Mario Bros. and Frogger are titles that recognize three decades later. Are also four of the game that allows Internet Archive now play online through a JSMESS emulator. The use of emulators for this purpose is common on the Internet and, in many cases, illegal. But, according to the BBC, the earliest videogames are a “gray area legally.”

The British television station adds that publishers and
developers tend to overlook when they are concerned that video games are no longer in stores, but points out that the authors of these titles may want to return to them due to the booming market for mobile games. The Internet Archive says nothing about copyright.

access is preservation
“cartridges” available to play in browsers more Recent were consistent with five consoles released between 1977 and 1986, Atari 2600 (1977), Philips Videopac G7000 (1978), the ColecoVision (1982), the Astrocade (1983) and ProSystem Atari 7800 (1986). Maybe there are still some of these consoles in the basements of the world (next to the disks of Joy Division or the Ramones), but the truth is that consoles to play vintage has become a privilege of a few of these.

The Internet Archive – digital library that opened “doors” in 1996 and where the surfers go to, for example, to see the progress of your favorite pages – believes that “access leads to preservation.” And that is the reason of background that led to the creation of the project The Living Room Console , which is still in beta. The fun we can provide is a bonus.

Jason Scott stresses the text presentation of the project, “make these vintage game enables immediate comment, educate, entertain and [ create] memory for the history of [the game] part. ” The archivist promises so more titles to the newly created collection

With almost a thousand titles in short supply should not be -. Least anytime soon – a complaint of those who access the “console room “. The regret that we can anticipate at this early stage is the lack of sound in video games. But Jason Scott point, in the same text, that this problem will be solved soon.

Baby & Me: See the most watched ad on YouTube in 2013 - LOCAL.PT

HARBOR – The most watched ad on YouTube in 2013 was a viral hit. This is an advertisement of the water Baby & Me, the Evian brand that now has over 69 million views.

During 2013 the video won the title of “most watched Youtube ad of the year.”

The video portrays

people going to walk down the street and see their reflection at the age of about two years.

reality reflected in the mirror makes pesoas have wanted to dance as babies, awakening the child in us.

Rebuild skin and bones with shells of crabs - TVI24

biomedical and pharmaceutical industry is interested in exploring recent discoveries of new uses to give pounded crabs, among which, according to a research, tissue reconstruction from compounds extracted from their shells.

Francisco Avelelas student of 23 years of the School of Tourism and Technology of the Sea of ??Peniche, argued a week ago research masters, whereby compounds extracted from the shells of crustaceans have antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant and even protein.

‘can be used in coatings of implants to increase the time of not rejecting the prosthesis and dressings that with these antibacterial and antifungal activities, allow faster healing of tissues, “he explained to Lusa biologist.

Also, have also reuse the coating of fruits and other products to increase shelf life, the coating of tablets or less harmful to health composition of agricultural pesticides and the environment.

According to the study, can

integrate the tablet formulation for weight loss, allowing ‘the lipids are not absorbed and processed by the body to prevent calories when we have a more caloric diet. “

Although with other species being caught in fishing gear, pounded the crabs have no economic value for fishing, since they are not consumed.

But, with research around the shells of crustaceans, biologists wished to give value to the feature, putting not only the fishermen catching the fish but also the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries to commercially exploit these new uses industry and there is already interest from a company in this area.

In addition to the industrial application of this raw material, the company intends to come to install a new plant in Peniche, an investment of one million euros which may create half a dozen skilled jobs, Lusa said Sérgio Leandro researcher who led the Masters.

The researcher argued that there are conditions to install a biotech cluster in the city, since, like the crabs, other marine resources that may be studied and exploited for other uses other than fishing.

Next iPhone arrives in May and will have 6-inch screen, says ... - IOnline

2014 will be a year full – literally – to Apple. According to Digitimes, the company plans to expand both the iPhone and the iPad to new sizes, to compete with the recent trend of devices “giants”

The next iPhone may still not be the highly anticipated iPhone 6, but a new category / product variant similar to what the iPhone was 5C relative to 5S. According to Digitimes, citing an anonymous source with knowledge of the plans of the company in 2014 will attend the arrival of two “large” variations of popular Apple products.

The first may come as soon as May and will be a new iPhone with a screen

size of 6 inches. The information is not new and come into agreement with rumors that circulated online earlier, realizing the intention of the company to compete with devices like the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 or HTC One Maxi.

conflict, however, the release dates: the arrival of a new iPhone would only be scheduled for October, so a launch in May may not be related to the iPhone 6, but with a variant of the smartphone company <. / p>

October 2014 was already booked for the launch of a new iPad, online labeled “iPad Pro” and should exceed the appropriate size of a conventional tablet, possibly at 12.9 inches. Like the iPhone, this one will not necessarily be a replacement iPad Air, but potentially a new product category the company.

Telemoveis.com *

Saturday, December 28, 2013

McDonald's website advises that employees do not eat fast food - Terra Brazil

Image text indicates that combo sold in stores in the network is less healthy choice Photo: Play Image text indicates that combo sold in stores in the network is less healthy choice Photo: Reproduction

The human resources site McDonald’s has given advice somewhat foreign to their employees, whereas it is the most famous fast food chain in the world. The company published health tips on which advises staff to avoid eating burgers and fries and prioritize healthy eating based salads. The information is the website The Huffington Post.

“fodd Fast foods are quick, affordable and reasonable for food away from home, convenient Trimming a busy lifestyle alternatives. however, are typically very caloric, fat, rich in saturated fat , sugar and salt and can put many people at risk of being obese, “says the site posted on this website of the company. The photo illustrates the review indicates a combo burger, fries and soda as “not healthy choice” and a combination of lighter sandwich, salad and water as “healthier choice”.

Learn More
  • Young anorexic says McDonald’s saved your life
  • Study: diet high in fast food affects children’s intelligence
  • too much fast food can impair fertility, says study

According to the publication’s corporate website, it is difficult to have a balanced diet when you can not avoid restaurants that serve this type of food, however, we must at least ask smaller portions – especially the fries – since the very large packages makes people eat too much.

“In general, people with high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease should be careful when choosing fast food, mainly because of high levels of fat, salt and sugar,” says another part of the text.

According to the Huffington Post website, the information published on this page facing the workforce McDonald’s are the responsibility of others, and sought the company said it was investigating the incident. However, this is not the first time they expose the site such news.

In the last month, were published suggestions for further work to employees. The text detailing positions nannies, cleaners and personal rainer pools and comparing wages. At the time, the company told broadcaster CNBC that was evaluating the material that, once again, had been done by an outsourced company.

Despite the website being aimed at the employees of the network, the register only requires an email and password and verifies that those who intend to use it is even part of the payroll of the company.

The impact of this scandal consumption of fast food comes at a time of confrontation with the politics of the industry, which tries to unlink your picture fatty foods and include on your menu more fruits and vegetables. Recently, the CEO of McDonald’s Don Thompson said:. “We do not sell junk food”

See exclusive menus of McDonald’s in other countries

Ebi Filet-O – Asia
shrimp burger with mustard and lettuce

  • itemtype=”http://schema.org/ImageObject”>

    Maharaja Mac - India Indian version of the Big Mac, with onions, lettuce, tomato, cheese and chicken

    class=”photo-description” Maharaja Mac – India
    Indian version of the Big Mac, with onions, lettuce, tomato, cheese and chicken

  • itemtype=”http://schema.org/ImageObject”>

    Poutine - Canada sweet potato fries with gravy (brun sovs, Danish sauce) and cheese

    Poutine – Canada
    potato fries with gravy (brun sovs, Danish sauce) and cheese

  • itemtype=”http://schema.org/ImageObject”>

    McMollette - America Latin Cookies (muffins), with beans, cheese and vinaigrette

    McMollette – Latin America
    Cookies (muffins), with beans, cheese and vinaigrette

  • itemtype=”http://schema.org/ImageObject”>

    Chicken McMuffin & McCafe - China McMuffin grilled chicken with a coffee

    Chicken McMuffin & McCafe – China
    McMuffin grilled chicken with coffee

  • itemtype=”http://schema.org/ImageObject”>

    Yanju Flavor McWings - China Chicken Wings with Birdie

    class=”photo-description” Yanju Flavor McWings – China
    Chicken Wings for birdie

  • itemtype=”http://schema.org/ImageObject”>

    Corn Cup - Asia A pot of corn, served as an accompaniment

    itemprop=”caption”> Corn Cup – Asia
    A pot of corn, served as an accompaniment

  • itemtype=”http://schema.org/ImageObject”>

    McAloo Tiki - India Alternative burger burger made with potatoes, tomatoes, onions and vegetarian mayonnaise

    class=”photo-description” McAloo Tiki – India Alternative
    burger burger made with potatoes, tomatoes, onions and vegetarian mayonnaise

  • itemtype=”http://schema.org/ImageObject”>

    Parmigiano Reggiano Burger - Burger Italy in a ciabata bread with tomato, lettuce and parmesan cheese

    class=”photo-description” Burger Parmigiano Reggiano – Italy
    Burger in a ciabata bread with tomato, lettuce and parmesan cheese

  • itemtype=”http://schema.org/ImageObject”>

    McShrimps - Russia fried shrimps that can replace fries

    McShrimps – Russia
    fried shrimps that can replace fries

  • itemtype=”http://schema.org/ImageObject”>

    M Burger - France Hamburger, cheese, lettuce, tomato and Emmenthal cheese on a ciabata bread made in stone stove

    class=”photo-description” M Burger – France
    Hamburger, cheese, lettuce, tomato and Emmenthal cheese on a bread made in ciabata stove Stone

  • itemtype=”http://schema.org/ImageObject”>

    McNoodles - Austria The noodle is the snacking option

    class=”photo-description” McNoodles – Austria
    pasta option is to snacks

  • itemtype=”http://schema.org/ImageObject”>

    McWrap Chevre - France breaded goat cheese sauce, fried onions, tomato and lettuce

    McWrap Chevre – France
    breaded goat cheese sauce, fried onions, tomato and lettuce

  • itemtype=”http://schema.org/ImageObject”>

    Croque McDo - France Inspired by the famous croque monsieur

    class=”photo-description” Croque McDo – France
    Inspired by the famous croque monsieur

  • >

    http:/ / p2.trrsf.com/image/fget/cf/67/51/images.terra.com/2013/06/26/zcp1835.jpg

    China: combined can take rice as an accompaniment

    Photo: Disclosure

    itemprop=”provider” Earth

    McDonald's claims that officials avoid 'fast-food' - Reuters

    McDonald's asks employees avoid «fast-food»

    The fast-food chain McDonald’s has advised its employees to choose meals that ‘non-healthy’ such as burgers, fries and sodas – exactly the kind of food offered by the network to its clients


    According to the website of the British newspaper The Independent, a site of recommendations to employees, the network stated that “although convenient and economical for busy lifestyle, the food fast food is high in calories, saturated fat, sugar and salt and may cause people to become obese. “

    statement showed a picture of a cheeseburger with fries and a soda, titled as’ not healthy choice ‘, and the other a glass of water, salad and a ham sandwich, which the company described as a’ healthy choice ‘.

    The company also advised that employees eat in places that offer a wide variety of salads, soups and vegetables, and avoiding

    excess cheeses, bacon and mayonnaise.

    In a statement, McDonald’s said that “parts of the site content were interpreted out of context.”

    “This website provides information of respected partners on many topics including, health and wellness,” said the company. ‘It includes expert information on healthy eating and balanced choices. McDonald’s agrees with this advice. »

    Although McResource Line site is only for employees, anyone can access it after a simple registration.

    At the moment, the site is off the air, ‘temporarily down for maintenance. “

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    Do not choose fast food, McDonald's recommended to own ... - EN Journal

    big fast food McDonald’s published, a website dedicated to the workers, a chart on “balanced choices” in food: between a cheeseburger with fries and a salad, the fast-food company recommends a “healthy diet”

    McDonald’s workers advised the group to avoid cheeseburgers with fries and opt for salads. In McResource, a page of human resources for employees working with the group information, the company captioned as fast food as

    “unhealthy”. The controversy was soon to appear and the page has been disabled.

    Before closing the site, McDonald’s placed a chart with two images: a photograph of cheeseburger with fries and a soda was headlined “not healthy choice”, and beside a picture of a salad a ham sandwich and a glass of water, with the title “healthy choice”.

    “While convenient and economical for busy lifestyle, the food fast food is high in calories, saturated fat and sugar and salt can cause people to become obese,” explained McDonald’s, a famous multinational per serve this type of food and whose employees should seek restaurants that have a wide variety of salads, soups and vegetables, as reported in a graph.

    On Christmas Eve, the company closed the page after concluding that many “respected partners information on many topics,” such as health and welfare, “were used in the media in a decontextualized manner.” “McDonald’s agrees with this advice” about “eating healthy and balanced choices,” said the company in note explaining the closure of McResource.

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