Saturday, November 9, 2013

What's behind the numbers? - Pú

analyze examination results of students 6. third year and I am not surprised. As in 4. Thereof, at 9. º and secondary schools are at the top of the table, so I go down to the bottom to find the schools that showed the worst results. It should be noted, are not the worst schools, are those that had the worst results in national tests.

If in the first editions of the rankings gave me pleasure to talk to schools that were well placed – see what they did differently, with the intention to know the best practices and to share with the readers and with schools that could replicate them, today, I like talking to you are at the bottom of the rankings and find that, in most cases, do an exemplary job.

At the end of one of these afternoons, strongly linked to several schools that were misplaced and I discovered in conversations with their directions, we have a thousand projects and that, even before they may have concerns about how to teach better, have prepare the ground, have to teach them to sit, to be attentive in class, to enjoy being at school, not to abandon.

are schools where the concerns go beyond compliance programs because there are children who are hungry and do not eat during the week-end of a hot meal, say a director, because there are parents who leave the house, because there are others who leave the country in search of better conditions, because some people have to go live with a grandmother or a few uncles, because the parents can not read, even if they are 30 years of age, because …

are schools that do not struggle daily for a better place in the rankings, but to find a better place for their students in an effort that they have more knowledge than their parents, who may be more entrepreneurs, which may break the cycle of poverty and school failure.

I like talking to people I convey hope, who speak enthusiastically of your projects, your school, even if it has been misplaced, even if there are days that put everything into question.


who was speaking with so many valid and knowledgeable of their reality and the reality of others – those who can choose their students, those that invite students to leave or not to take the exams in 1. Stage for that the school does not get misplaced in the ranking, those who receive the children of educated parents – I was surprised by a Deputy Director who refused to speak.

I inform you

about the results of the school, knew that the person responsible, and I tell you what position is compared to the rest of the national, the teacher would certainly have an idea. After the explanation, ask: “What I wonder is what is behind these numbers. Who are these students? Where working conditions teachers? “After a short silence, the Deputy answer me:” The explanations we owe them the educational community and not to the media, as you will appreciate. “

“No, I do not understand. And its director does not want to talk? “” No. “

not understand that schools close, we do not share. Will you explain Deputy indeed something to your school community? It’s because, according to data from the ministry, the parents of their students have little more than six years of schooling and a good part receives Social School, and only half of the faculty belongs to the frame. Additionally, schools in the cluster, are sometimes news for disciplinary problems, with teachers assaulted by students and families. That’s why we do not talk? For I argue that this is why you should talk.

After the Deputy me off the phone, not discouraged and in March the number of another school that systematically gets misplaced, confirming that the old commercial and industrial schools are worse in the picture than the old colleges. “Yes, could we have a unique project in the country and he should our results,” says Deputy me another, a man energetic and enthusiastic.

For over a decade, PUBLIC fought for access to the results of national examinations. The goal is the same today: to know the schools, know why they have those results and not others. Knowing the country through educational results – confirm disparities North / South, coastal / inland, public / private, public schools that receive the same type of students that colleges, etc..

rankings have forced schools to reflect on their results – today, the directors know exactly why those results were, in the early years, our phone calls let us muddled and there were more who did not want to talk because it was accountable to media. Increasingly, managers open the doors of their schools with pride, transparency and realism: “We work with the students we have.”



Read more in the supplement of 48 pages about the rankings with the print edition of Saturday.

Special Rankings in

– Ranking 4.
th year – Ranking 6.
th year – Ranking 9.
th year – Ranking the secondary

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