Saturday, November 30, 2013

Lusa and Toad launch 'Time Machine' - Sun

Lusa agency and Sapo presented today at the Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (FEUP), a search engine ‘online’ based on more than seven million not file ences of the last 25 years.

Christening of time machine, this project developed in partnership with FEUP, has more than four million news texts provided by agency Lusa, in addition to news of the semanrio Express, Diary Econmico, Rdio Renascena, SIC or Viso magazine, among other organs of social communication. accessible in the press portal that displays the personal links between actors and stakeholders of the news, allowing a general vision of the webs of relationships among persons and themes, a search service that also “all news produced by the partners since 2010 Esto available to be viewed,” said Benjamin Jnior Lusa, coordinator of the lab Toad rivers.

“The big challenge was to make accessible a set of broad news million through an interface that is very intuitive to use,” said the engineer, who five years ago

has been working on perfecting oamento this useful tool for researchers and journalists, but also ideal for “anyone who wants to surf these news in a very amicable way.”

Mquina This Time ‘Online’ still has a chronological bar d lead to an integrated navigation between news and actors, which for Ricardo Jorge Pinto, Deputy Director the agency Lusa, is “a dream for a journalist.”

“is also important because it allows the journalist to understand the connections that sometimes pass us unnoticed, but it also helps us to understand certain phenomena which, in the background, sounds Matria- press we deal with, “considered the Deputy Director.

This time machine is also relevant to the extent that “anyone who is curious about what is happening around them” equally able, using s “over 400 pieces would you say the Lusa agency has accumulated over 25 years, “find” what a portrait of your past, “said Ricardo Jorge Pinto.

Frog Labs’re working on the second part of this project, scheduled for 2014 and dedicated “multimedia issues,” according to Benjamin Jnior coordinator, with “a first phase dedicated photo and a second connected to the video “phase.

Lusa / SUN

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