Friday, November 15, 2013

Petition against comments Google+ YouTube has more than ... -

Integrating Google+ and YouTube comments system continues to generate outrage among the online community. An online petition asking the technological Moutain View to return to reset the feedback system that was in effect already has more than 130,000 supporters and the number continues to grow.

On 9 November, as CNN said the petitioners were placed in 50 000. Created by a “John Doe”, the individual believes that Google is invading people’s social life and is trying to get the profile anonymous users.

The creator of the petition also writes that several users have saw their Google accounts blocked for sharing the link to the petition.

For the petition reaches

the minimum number of signatures are still accurate over 18,500 users subscribing to the proposal.

In the first wave of demonstrations TeK had already realized the displeasure of thousands of users, including harsh criticism of his own co-founder of YouTube that questioned why need a Google+ profile to comment on the videos.

In the video where the U.S. giant explains the changes that have been imposed are thousands comments – most of them negative – on the decision of Google, while tens of thousands are also the negative votes that video has received.

Google has been accused of wanting to “foist” Google+ users, even against their will, to integrate the social platform with some of the other main products: Gmail, Google Drive and Android.

Written under the new Orthographic Agreement

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