Monday, November 11, 2013

Bishop of Angra admits changes in the condition of Catholics ... - Pú

D. António de Sousa Braga hopes that the next Synod of Bishops on the family resulting changes in “condition and discipline” of Catholics remarried.

Bishop of Angra, D. António de Sousa Braga, believes that the next Synod of Bishops on the family will take an approach “pastoral” that can promote changes in situations such as the divorced and remarried.

“In these two years, the Church has to look into the family is not a perspective of change of doctrine, but of a different ministry, which includes the new realities,” he said in remarks to the portal diocese.

According to a note published on Monday by the agency Ecclesia, the news agency of the Catholic Church in Portugal, the prelate also believes that the next Synod of Bishops on the Family presents two new “essential”: have two assemblies general – an

extraordinary, in October 2014, and an ordinary, in October 2015 – and provides for a “wider consultation” with the grassroots, to get “a more detailed and comprehensive than does the Church think about the family and especially the new family realities. “

To prepare this

Family Synod 2014, the Pope sent Francisco episcopal conferences worldwide a preparatory document titled on Pastoral Challenges in the Context of Evangelization Family , which includes a questionnaire about issues such as divorce, contraception, unions between persons of the same sex and adoption by such couples. Although the collection of opinions on current topics before a synod is not a complete novelty, this inquiry by asking foundations to share what they think about controversial topics, deserved greater media attention and gained contours. Responses should be collected until the end of January, but the bishops gathered from this Monday at Fatima should hit until Thursday, to how to put into practice the investigation in Portugal.

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