According to the report of malware of the third quarter of 2013 from Kaspersky Lab , 97.5% of all attacks against mobile platforms relate to Android . In the same quarter, Kaspersky Lab has accumulated a total of 120,341 modifications mobile malware on your system, almost 20 000 samples more than in the previous quarter.
based on Android malware continues to be a favorite of cybercriminals among all mobile operating systems target. The common procedure for cybercriminals download is legitimate applications and modify them with the malicious code. Once modified, cybercriminals redistribute them in sites where the users can download, as the shops of third party applications.
The systemKaspersky Lab identifies malicious code samples that are to be inserted in modified using cloud-based technologies, antivirus signatures and heuristic applications. By detecting samples of malicious code, the company states that can ‘determine which applications are malicious before they are executed in the user device’.
ranking mobile malware, the first
Kaspersky Lab analysts say it is not uncommon for malicious mobile programs include several components. In the case of backdoors often also have functions Trojans SMS, and they may contain complex functions bots.
mobile malware continues to focus primarily on stealing money from users. In the third quarter showed a new malicious program that allows criminals to steal money not only on mobile bills, as well as the bank accounts of the victim. The Trojan-sms.androidos.svpeng.a, upon receiving an order from cybercriminal checks if the phone number is linked to the online banking services different Russian banks, obtaining the user’s access credentials.
Svpeng.a prevents the victim communicates with the bank intercepting SMS and phone numbers belonging to the same.
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