“We think this league table based on one avaliaosria, at false think that the seriously saying that the school was first the best and the last the worst, whether private or pblica “Lusa said the vice president of ANDAEP reaction in disclosure of the results obtained from schools in national tests and exams end cycle.
ANDAEP now intends to propose to the Ministry of Education to conduct a study to assess the preparation of students for higher education that made the public school and in private as well as the value added that each school offers the course for each young man.
“If we take into account that s league table (aka rankings) once again realize that the private sector had more success than opblico exams, if we consider only the tests that were done in the academic year past, “he said.
Filinto Lima reminds socioeconomic contexts in which they operate different schools to question: “would get school students ranked first in the same result
“These are urgent questions to be answered,” he argued.
school leader believes that an evaluation of the results of the schools should take into account other criteria, “countless criteria” that interfere with graduaoe that “were not used” .
“There is a fundamental criterion – Students who are in private schools, the critical mass a mass homogeneous, ie, only a stratum socio-econ mico-cultural medium-high. audience The public school of a mass heterognea, which I find very positive because the public school also prepare students for life, n for the exams, “he said.
For the association would have more interest in a table that shows which schools better prepare students for higher education, following its evolution in post-secondary.
“H, incidentally a study from the University of Porto, last year, which proves that the public schools better prepare students to succeed in higher education from private schools,” he said, adding.
“It was very interesting that the ministry himself bothered to give Social Communication this data and not just the results of trials that take place at the end of each academic year.”
Lusa / SUN
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