Friday, November 8, 2013

Battlefield 4: current version can be "updated" for Xbox One or ... - IOnline

Players Battlefield 4 for Xbox 360 or PS3 to buy one of the new generation consoles may carry the ‘upgrade’ upon its release, advanced Electronic Arts

Battlefield 4 is not only one of today’s most popular titles in the catalog of Electronic Arts, but also now available in the Portuguese market since November 1. The war simulator, which hit the market before the launch of the new generation of consoles from Sony and Microsoft, will also rely on a version for PS4 and Xbox One.

Players who have already purchased Battlefield 4 for the

current generation of consoles, but are considering buying or Xbox or PS4 One upon its release, however, can perform the upgrade, announced at Electronic Arts statement. The upgrade also extends to those who purchase the premium edition of the game.

“Who purchasing Battlefield 4 in the current version, you can upgrade later at the launch of the new generation of consoles. Players can also transfer your settings multiplayer”, advanced Electronic Arts, stressing that the offer extends to premium edition of the game, allowing players to access the five expansion packs up to two weeks in advance before its official release, and have exclusive access to additional content and updates weekly. *

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