Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Users Sony blocks PSN Accounts due to insecurities ... - To the Minute News

A problem of insecurity prompted Sony to block some of the users of PlayStation Network (PSN) through reset their accounts. The company gave no explanation and is waiting for players to speak out.

Sony sent out a press release on Tuesday for PlayStation Network users network (PSN), the online network PlayStation 3, PS Vita and PlayStation 4, in order to change the password you use to access the service.



Eurogamer advanced that it is a “precautionary measure” taken by Sony because there were suspicions of illegal activities in accounts that have been deactivated. “There is no specific evidence that any account has been compromised,” the company said.

With this measure, Sony hopes to reduce the danger of hacked accounts. Users who viewed your escrow account and have not committed any offense should not be alarmed or even outraged, they just need to recreate your password to return to your account.

Sony also ensured that this incident is not similar to what happened in April 2011, when the PSN went offline for a month and data of millions of users eventually exposed due to security breaches.

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