Sunday, November 10, 2013

Fisher died following wreck in Peniche - Pú

A small vessel, which was fishing along the coast east baleal, Peniche, sank on Friday morning, and the accident caused one dead. Three other fishermen were rescued, but one is in serious condition

Two of the four fishermen were transferred from the local hospital to the urgency of Caldas da Rainha. “A is stable under observation, and the other appears some gravity”, being one of them in serious condition, a source told Lusa Hospital Center West (CHO).

two fishermen, 30 and 36 years, were part of the crew of the boat five feet Beautiful Island , that morning sank due to unknown causes near baleal with two other crew. Three of the occupants are living in Peniche. The four were rescued, but one of them, 40 and the village of Olho Marinho, Obidos, died still on the beach.

The commander of the Captaincy of Peniche, Vineyards Pedro Silva told Lusa that will open an investigation to ascertain the cause of the accident, which remains unknown.

Jorge Sousa, owner of the vessel Ribela , the same size, told Lusa that was in the port of boats from the beach baleal to refloat his boat when he heard about 10am a colleague , who fished the cane on the rocks, to ask for help.

“One of the castaways swam and climbed

up the rocks and shouted for help to the sport fisherman. Took a chance and put the boat into the sea. For them today and tomorrow for me, “he said, adding that has repeatedly saved surfers and kite flying.

fisherman came to find a mile northwest of the island baleal the remaining three castaways, “dresses with vests and clinging to the buoy salvation.” “Were it not for the vest, could not catch sight of, because they could not keep up to the surface,” he added.

The three were rescued ashore in his boat, having been one of them died and the other two received hospital care. The room was collected from the rocks of the islet, a jet ski station lifeboat Peniche.

Jorge Sousa, 53 years, 30 of which were spent in toil, can not point out possible causes of the accident, despite knowing that the sea area, which also works. “There was a sea that did guess what happened, but the tide is more dangerous to the north and the boat can turn,” he noted.

President of the Union of Fishermen Peniche, Henry Bertino, explained that their small size and do not have the deck, these boats “are more fragile in times of the year when the sea is more rough and therefore the risk is greater. “

on site were still Emergency Medical Car and Resuscitation of Caldas da Rainha, ambulance Immediate Life Support ambulances Peniche and two fire places.

Updated at 14.25 with more information about the accident and the state of fishermen rescued.

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