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The SAPO today, November 28, the premiere online platform Time Machine. The name leaves no room for doubts: it is a tool that allows you to go back a few years to know what happened at the time. The content is filled through news and the shape is defined by the links between the personalities that dominated the media attention at the set time.
25 years of Portugal portrayed through news are 7 million, most which belonged to the Lusa agency that provided the news archive for the project.
The concept was developed in a partnership between SAPO Labs and Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP). The project was presented more significantly in issue number seven SAPO Codebits, having TeK made known at the time the preliminary phase of idea.
During the last year the project has evolved into several areas, as explained the TeK responsible for SAPO Labs, Benjamin Junior. One of the points that has been evolved is related to the entry of new partners beyond the journalistic Lusa, which provides access to information in real time. It was also made great efforts in optimizing the tool to work on both tablets and browsers less capable computers. Another new feature is the ability for each user to set a personal page where you can have more access right to information of the personalities that tell you.Project in journalism, investigative tool, interactive tool or historical
Users can search an event by date or person who scored this season. Benjamin Junior highlights an event – the death of Ayrton Senna in May 1994. When the search is on personalities, a network of connections with other elements that share at the time the media references and that may not even be related to the same news is presented. In case of death of the Formula 1 driver names are related to motoring that arise in the “web”.
“This type of information conveys an emotional connection, brings back memories.’s Name is Time Machine a name chosen to be emotional, “says the coordinator of SAPO Labs in conversation with the TeK.The whole research process is done automatically and generated by computers. Behind the Time Machine there are many other projects that aggregates from here can continue to evolve.
Currently the SAPO Labs is also developing ideas in terms of classification of videos, treatment and analysis of networks social and educational projects in the area.Rui Ferreira da Rocha
Written under the new Orthographic Agreement
Christening of time machine, this project developed in partnership with FEUP, has more than four million news texts provided by agency Lusa, in addition to news of the semanrio Express, Diary Econmico, Rdio Renascena, SIC or Viso magazine, among other organs of social communication. accessible in the press portal that displays the personal links between actors and stakeholders of the news, allowing a general vision of the webs of relationships among persons and themes, a search service that also “all news produced by the partners since 2010 Esto available to be viewed,” said Benjamin Jnior Lusa, coordinator of the lab Toad rivers.
“The big challenge was to make accessible a set of broad news million through an interface that is very intuitive to use,” said the engineer, who five years ago
Mquina This Time ‘Online’ still has a chronological bar d lead to an integrated navigation between news and actors, which for Ricardo Jorge Pinto, Deputy Director the agency Lusa, is “a dream for a journalist.”
“is also important because it allows the journalist to understand the connections that sometimes pass us unnoticed, but it also helps us to understand certain phenomena which, in the background, sounds Matria- press we deal with, “considered the Deputy Director.
This time machine is also relevant to the extent that “anyone who is curious about what is happening around them” equally able, using s “over 400 pieces would you say the Lusa agency has accumulated over 25 years, “find” what a portrait of your past, “said Ricardo Jorge Pinto.
Frog Labs’re working on the second part of this project, scheduled for 2014 and dedicated “multimedia issues,” according to Benjamin Jnior coordinator, with “a first phase dedicated photo and a second connected to the video “phase.
Lusa / SUN
Frog launched a website that allows you to explore the last 25 years of news in Portugal, through the archives of the agency Lusa and articles for various websites, totaling seven million texts.
The tool, called Time Machine and developed by the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto in partnership with Frog Labs, lets you search by a person (the politicians to footballers) to see all items in which this person was referred, access a list of quotes that the media did and still see a network of relationships with other personalities. Are indexed about 100 thousand people.
A survey by Pedro Passos Coelho, for example, shows that it was mentioned in 25402 since November 28 last year, a period during which the prime minister was cited 3313 times by the media. The web of relationships (calculated from the frequency with which other persons also appear in articles in which Pedro Passos Coelho is mentioned) shows that Paulo Portas is the strongest bond – meaning that the Deputy Prime Minister is the figure that more often appears in news which also include
project leader, Benjamin Jr., says that one of the objectives is now to embed photos and videos. “I want people to surf at 20 years of photos of Mário Soares,” he explains. Use images raises, however, new challenges classification.
For elements such as text or photographs may be used in Time Machine, they must have associated information that computers can interpret as a date. But many of the photographs that the project will come to show do not have enough information associated. Therefore, the team Time Machine is to develop algorithms to recognize faces, objects and patterns, so that a computer can automatically identify stakeholders and to try to determine the date of a photograph, photographed from the elements and any information that exists in the legends of the image.
tool now available had been shown last year at Toad Codebits, event programming and technology at PT.
The Time Machine also shows the most frequent figures in the news in recent days. Over the last week, the list is led by Cristiano Ronaldo, mentioned in 804 articles. Here are Cavaco Silva, Mário Soares, Paulo Fonseca (Porto coach), Pedro Passos Coelho and Benfica coach Jorge Jesus.
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by Luís Alves Live Saturday, November 30, 2013
Sony continues to work to resolve the problems of access to PlayStation Network by the flood of traffic generated by the European launch of the PlayStation 4.
The company acknowledged yesterday
be having problems and announced that he was trying to find solutions, but for now has not been given the return to normality of
Sony PSN has disabled some functions, such as disabling codes or coupons PSN, ie, prepaid codes and digital download. As such anyone who wants to download a game with a code, or you want to recharge your virtual wallet with the code for a PSN card bought in a store, while you can not do it.
Sony has went public apology for the inconvenience caused by these measures and expect to return to normality as soon as possible.
The company confirmed that it is currently already possible to start online gaming sessions, enter and register in the system, and that the functions of messaging, friends lists and others are already working.
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PS4 want to mark a place in the history of video games. Everything starts right on the home screen, with the player able to see, for example, friends in action through “Spectate” mode, in addition to receiving recommended contents, since the PS4 system able to predict the next game that the gamer want to play …
Another important novelty is not having more than wait for the end of the transfer, as the games can be downloaded or updated in the background or even in standby mode. This is possible due to “PlayGo” function, where a portion of the data set is initially moved while the rest of the game is transferred in the background.
Regarding social interactions, the first time the player can share their triumphs with just a touch in the new “Share” button.
‘The PS4 constantly records the last 15 minutes of game play. As such, once you have a great time you can not help but share it with your friends by simply pesquisares the saved game that you want to mark the moment and then return to the game, while the video or image are loaded separately for marked that all your friends can see them, “reveals Sony.
‘The PS4 also lets you see your friends playing in real time via live streaming on the internet services such as “Ustream”. Now you can stream your games directly to your friends and show them how it plays. »
Therefore, a revolution that promises to entice players, even those who are enrolled in the PS Plus service launched for PS 3 PS Vita in 2010 and service in 2012. The main features are:
• Multiplayer online
Users will have access to online game with other players over the network. Online multiplayer for the PS4, with its integrated social services, offers unique features that are only available in the system, such as allowing users to begin playing immediately and join their friends online while watching a moment of gameplay or enjoy cross-game voice chat.
• Automatically download updates
This functionality will be improved for the PS4 system. The system will automatically check for updates to games more often and also automatically installs the updates. With this feature, the games will always be updated, allowing users to play immediately so wish.
• PS Plus on various platforms An account
PS Plus for PS4, PS3 and PS Vita. The PS Plus service is cross platform and is available on most platforms, the PS3 and PS Vita PS Plus users with existing accounts can access the service on the PS4 and members who join the service in the PS4 will enjoy PS Plus on PS3 and PS Vita.
Note also the new wireless controller “DUALSHOCK 4″, which also features new releases, such as design, improved vibration system, fingertip controls (you can steer, gesturing and drawing), the aforementioned button ” SHARE “, which lets you share videos and pictures of the game, for example in Facebook, the light bar (to identify players and see game information) column with an integrated mono headphone jack and headset (allows more emphasis to detail and chat with friends online using a headset).
course the PlayStation Camera has also been improved, particularly with a field of view of 85 º and a set of four channels of microphones.
‘Revolutionary 3D depth sensing technology follows the light bar the wireless controller and accurately detect the movements and position of the player (…) The PlayStation Video Camera provides crystal clear images and high quality sound so you can see , listen, share, celebrate and enjoy with friends and rivals (…) Since voice navigation commands to the facial recognition, PlayStation Camera adds a wonderful touch to innovative games. »
To accompany this revolution in full you will need to download the “PlayStation App,” available for several mobile devices such as iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Android smartphones and tablets from the App Store and Google Play.
«Once installed the application, these devices can be used as second screens on PlayStation 4 titles supported and users can easily access the PSN features like friends lists and achievements. In addition, users can exchange messages with members of your friends list and browse news and information on the official site of PlayStation. The PlayStation app comes with a variety of features that allow users to easily access and enjoy the world of PlayStation. »
However, one can not survive without console games. Already on Friday will be available several significant titles:
Killzone: Shadow Fall
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
Battlefield 4
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Just Dance 2014
Sound Shapes
Escape Plan
Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition
LEGO MARVEL Super Heroes
Madden NFL 25
War Thunder
NBA Live
Need for Speed: Rivals
DC Universe Online
Pinball Arcade
In the future we …
inFamous: Second Son
The Order: Max
Shadow of the Beast
Skylanders SWAP Force
The Elder Scrolls Online
is expected that Santa is generous and let the tree or PS4 half of our homes …
. The PlayStation 4 began to be officially sold in Portugal since the 00 hours this Friday, November 29th. The responsible communication on the PlayStation Portugal, Sandra Easter, does not hide his satisfaction at the domestic market be among the first in Europe to receive the console: “demonstrates the importance that the Portuguese market has for the PlayStation and that takes into account the link strong that exists among Portuguese consumers and the brand. “
Sandra Easter declined to reveal specific figures on pre-booking and how many consoles Sony expects to sell by the end of the year in the Portuguese market. But the director said to TeK that “the number of people who have booked the PlayStation 4 across Europe is overwhelming and Portugal is no exception.”
Expectations are the best and high demand can lead to problems stock availability. PlayStation Portugal side everything is being done “to ensure maximum PS4 in stores by Christmas,” explained Sandra Easter also said that “everything will depend on demand.” About Xbox One the communication officer made no comment, preferring to highlight the elements that differentiate PS4 remaining supply of the market -. though the Microsoft console has no scheduled debut in PortugalSandra Easter highlights firstly the bet located on the Portuguese market. “There are already quite a few years that almost all games distributed by Sony Computer Entertainment are available entirely in Portuguese, giving more people the
Immediate processes in console, the ability to share experiences online and ways to use second screen, guaranteed by the PS Vita and the mobile applications are other factors highlighted by Sandra Easter. That and some 180 games are in development for the console.
Sandra Easter still lifted the veil a little about how the PS4 will evolve in Portugal in terms of content. Portuguese users will only have available the VidZone application, but the TeK was told that “very soon PlayStation waiting to hear about a local partnership.”
In the online broadcast that Sony has prepared for the event launch of the PS4 was possible to see after midnight several dozen people lined up in a retail store waiting for the console. The DN Wood also reports that several shops in the island queues were also recorded with dozens of buyers. As revealed this week the Public PlayStation 3 sold about 500,000 units in the domestic market so far, numbers help Sony to have 65% market share of the consoles in Portugal.To discover if the PlayStation 4 is right for you to read articles that TeK prepared console on the factors to be taken into account in buying a gaming machine and on first impressions the PS4.
Rui Ferreira da Rocha
Written under the new Orthographic Agreement
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November 29, 2013 • • 12.30 updated at 12h37
Rafael Machtura
When 2013 began, the most avid gamers on the planet have predicted that this would be the year of the arrival of a new generation of consoles. Clues and rumors were by specialized sites, with names, aliases, kicks and “leaked” that we know today as the PS4 and Xbox One design But everyone already expected to E3, the largest fair in the world of games, held in June, in Los Angeles, the two companies have already submitted their video games. Released on Friday (29) in Brazil – the console was disponiblizado in the United States a week before – the Playstation 4 had its premiere on Brazilian soil overshadowed by its high price – R $ 3,999 – and the coming together of Black Friday, which took over the news with the public in search of discounts.
& amp; amp; amp; lt; a One x PS4 – Comparative & amp; amp; amp; lt ;/ a & amp; amp; amp; gt;
The arrival of PS4
Then in February came with a big announcement: Sony invited the press from around the world for an important announcement of his submarca PlayStation in New York. Everyone knew what it was, but how it would be, what he would change and what innovations the industry?
The end of the mystery (all found) was scheduled for Feb. 20, with a pompous display that Sony showed only the Dualshock 4, control PS4 and some online features like the Share button and broadcasts gameplay via streaming at Twitch service.
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Earth shows the PS4 and Xbox One controls the BGS in 2013
According to Sony’s strategy, the console was not shown because it did not want the technology to be diverted discussion from the console just for their looks.
And ten months later, the PlayStation 4 officially arrives in Brazil, on Friday (29), wrapped in a great controversy: the price. Claiming that 63% of fees are, Sony announced the value of the game for R $ 3,999, leaving many Brazilian fans outraged.
But the PlayStation 4 is more than that. Learning from the mistakes of its predecessor, the PS4 is more focused on what it does: playing experience at the most competitive price (in the U.S. it costs $ 399, $ 100 cheaper than the competitor). However, the competition for territory expansion in online will be tough, with Microsoft dropping the edge with your Xbox Live.
Check the main features of the new PlayStation 4 below.
By far, this is the most beautiful island in the history of the PlayStation family. Black and perpendicular ends, PS4 still has a blue light that cuts across the island, indicating that it is connected. With no analog input on your back, the game has only, plus Ethernet, WiFi, Bluetooth and USB 3.0 connections HDMI and optical.
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PS4 or Xbox One: who takes the best
Inside the elegant housing, the PS4 has two processors (like the Xbox One), which allows the console to do two or more things at once, how to play and download updates and extra content. They are: AMD Jaguar 1.6 GHz 8-core x86 architecture for the CPU, and AMD Radeon with BCM 1.84 TFLOPS for your GPU. The GDDR5 RAM 8GB memory is better than the competitor, with mair resolution, 1080p and 60 fps. And the memory of 500 GB is equal to Xbox One, with the difference that it can be exchanged.
The DualShock 4, control of the new PS4, also underwent major changes and is better than ever. Slightly heavier and heavier, the main novelty is the touch-sensitive surface available at the top, similar to the back of the PS Vita, and the Share button, allowing users to edit and share videos of their gameplay on the PSN network. In addition, the button also allows the live broadcast of the game and help request to your online friends, who can take over the game and pass that part you got screwed.
Furthermore, the control gained a better grip and is more comfortable to play. The light bar on its edge also serves as recognition of synchronization with the console. It also has input for headphones, but when you connect it to the TV is automatically turned off.
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Sony PS4
opens the box, see what’s inside
class=”text”> Games
are 25 games released on their first day, against 22 Xbox One Among them are the unique Knack, Killzone: Shadow Fall, Driveclub, DC Universe Online, The PlayRoom and Resogun, in addition to third parties: Angry Birds: Star Wars, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, Battlefield 4, Blackninght: Retribution, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Contrast, Fifa 14, Flower, Injustice: Gods Among Us , Just Dance 14 Lego: Marvel Super Heroes, Madden NFL 25, NBA 2k14, NBA Live 14, Need For Speed: Rivals, Skylanders Swap Force, Soud Shapes, Super Motherload, Trine 2: The Complete Story and Warframe
addition to these, 31 more titles are expected by mid-2014.
A generation earlier, the victory of Xbox Live was clear with their servers, functions, catalog and superior to Sony’s achievements. But with the arrival of the PS4, Sony made changes essences on the PlayStation Network, its online service for games and applications. After all, the Japanese company is also aware that the future of gaming is on the servers.
With an even more social interface, the first noticeable change is “news feed” What’s new, showing the news of his friends on PSN, what they are playing, making and transmitting their PS4 . Now, you can have up to 2000 contacts in the served, but there is no way to organize them into groups.
Propagating your Share button and the possibility of transmission from the beginning, the PSN went ahead with the Xbox Live streaming service Twitch available from day one. The Microsoft console will have the service “until the middle of 2014.”
Another significant change in the PSN is the need to pay the subscription to play multiplayer Plus OS. In addition to this option, the paid service gives users discounts on securities and other promotions. However, if you’re interested in the applications available through the service, and no online play, do not worry;. Sony does not charge for the service
But the biggest disadvantages of the PSN compared to Xbox One is cloud storage. While Microsoft allows unlimited space for subscribers to their service, Sony has just released 1GB.
PS Eye
PS4 also has its camera motion recognition. Called PS Eye, the device does not come with the console and is still very primitive, especially in voice commands, compared to Kinect 2, Xbox One
The first disadvantage is that the PS Eye does not have infra-red sensor, which requires a minimum light in environmentalist for the camera to recognize the faces of users. But if the player raises in front of camera control, the device recognizes the light of rapidly Dualshock 4.
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Director of Playstation explains why not show the console on PS4 announcement
However, Sony does not seem to know what to do with the PS Eye yet. Beyond recognition control, face and a few voice commands, the device has the game The Playroom, which interacts with the small robots played, and nothing relevant.
Second Screen
Like SmartGlass app, now available for Xbox 360 and Xbox One, the PS4 has the function of the second screen. However, no smartphones or tablets, the Sony PS Vita uses her as an extra component
With extra content in certain games such as maps, weapons and cash outas various possibilities, the PS Vita has a similar to the Wii U GamePad function, serves as a control and display.
Another great feature widely promoted by Sony with the second screen is the game broadcast via the PS4 router to laptop. With it, you can play games from the same console a few feet away from him or rooms. However, depending on the distance or connection, parity may be unstable.
lot of hype among gamers in the United States on Friday (15). In New York, a special event of the Sony made the first sales of the Playstation 4. Joey Chiu, aged 24, was the first to actually purchasing and vibrated Photo: Reuters
lot of hype among gamers in the United States on Friday (15). In New York, a special event of the Sony made the first sales of the Playstation 4. Joey Chiu, aged 24, was the first to actually purchasing and vibrated Photo: Reuters
lot of hype among gamers in the United States on Friday (15). In New York, a special event of the Sony made the first sales of the Playstation 4. Joey Chiu, aged 24, was the first to actually purchasing and vibrated Photo: Getty Images
lot of hype among gamers in the United States on Friday (15). In New York, a special event of the Sony made the first sales of the Playstation 4. Joey Chiu, aged 24, was the first to actually purchasing and vibrated class=”photo-copyright” Photo: AP
lot of hype among gamers in the United States on Friday (15). In New York, a special event of the Sony made the first sales of the Playstation 4. Joey Chiu, aged 24, was the first to actually purchasing and vibrated Photo: Reuters
lot of hype among gamers in the United States on Friday (15). In New York, a special event of the Sony made the first sales of the Playstation 4. Joey Chiu, aged 24, was the first to actually purchasing and vibrated Photo: Reuters
lot of hype among gamers in the United States on Friday (15). In New York, a special event of the Sony made the first sales of the Playstation 4. Joey Chiu, aged 24, was the first to actually purchasing and vibrated Photo: Reuters
lot of hype among gamers in the United States on Friday (15). In New York, a special event of the Sony made the first sales of the Playstation 4. Joey Chiu, aged 24, was the first to actually purchasing and vibrated Photo: Reuters
lot of hype among gamers in the United States on Friday (15). In New York, a special event of the Sony made the first sales of the Playstation 4. Joey Chiu, aged 24, was the first to actually purchasing and vibrated Photo: Reuters
lot of hype among gamers in the United States on Friday (15). In New York, a special event of the Sony made the first sales of the Playstation 4. Joey Chiu, aged 24, was the first to actually purchasing and vibrated Photo: Reuters
lot of hype among gamers in the United States on Friday (15). In New York, a special event of the Sony made the first sales of the Playstation 4. Joey Chiu, aged 24, was the first to actually purchasing and vibrated Photo: Reuters
lot of hype among gamers in the United States on Friday (15). In New York, a special event of the Sony made the first sales of the Playstation 4. Joey Chiu, aged 24, was the first to actually purchasing and vibrated Photo: Reuters
lot of hype among gamers in the United States on Friday (15). In New York, a special event of the Sony made the first sales of the Playstation 4. Joey Chiu, aged 24, was the first to actually purchasing and vibrated
Photo: Reuters
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