Wednesday, August 31, 2016

You traded your password? Revealed reason Dropbox asked to exchange security keys –

Despite having claimed the exchange of passwords as a precaution, since many users of cloud storage service Dropbox did not change the same for about four years, 2012, many suspected that there was something strange. According to international sources, around 68 million passwords were stolen by hackers at the same time, leading the company urgently make this request.

But if you had not changed your password since mid-2012, there are not many reasons to worry about. After Dropbox force the exchange, the data obtained previously by hackers are outdated. In addition, about half of the 64 million passwords were encrypted, while the rest contained a random sequence, thus hindering the work of virtual thieves

In time,. Many users recently received this

request by e- mail, as you can see below, but at no time is told the reason. Therefore, it is very hard to believe that the invasion was not true and why not admit the security breach.


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