Monday, August 22, 2016

Facebook and Unity close partnership to create games platform – TomarNoticias

The platform, when ready, would be similar to Steam. “This will allow Unity developers quickly offer their games to more than 650 million players who like to play titles linked to Facebook every month – a massive community and very involved, which enabled the Facebook pay more 2.5 billion web game developers in 2015, “he said.

at this early stage, the Facebook will choose a” limited group of programmers “will win immediate access to an alpha version (still closed) version 5.4 Unity with the new functionality of export to the Facebook .

the new enterprise of social network emerges from a partnership with the tool to create games Unity .

So with the platform games could be made available in a simple and sold by Facebook by its developers. The advantage that the Facebook will have is its critical mass, given the impressive number of social network users, about 1.7 billion people.

The social network launched today the alpha testing tool; developers who want to test it can apply via this link until 31 August. For network users, it would also represent an easier way to access, buy, download, and discover new games.

The Engadedget states that this may be the first step of the Facebook to create a space for publication and marketing of virtual reality experiences. Game developers have received more than $ 8 billion since 2010.


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