Building on the success of “Pokemon Go” among his pupils, Aveline Gregoire, a primary school in Belgium, has developed an online game for people to hunt books instead of virtual monsters . The game began with the students, but in a few weeks, the initiative has attracted more than 40,000 “hunters” across the country.
In an interview with Reuters, Aveline says the idea came about by chance, when arranging your bookshelf and realized they had no more room to store them
-. As I had played “Pokemon Go” with my students, I had the idea of releasing books in nature – told Aveline.
the “free Chasseurs” (books hunters) consists of a Facebook group where participants publish photos and give tips of where to hide a book, to follow behind them. When a person finds a book and finished reading it, she should “release him” again.
Jessica Detournaym, who lives in Baudour, in the south, said the game is now part of the walk daily of his family. They have found a book and hid another four for other players to discover the
-. My daughter said it looks like hunting Easter eggs, only with books -. Jessica said
Two of the four books hidden by the family have been found, and the family received Facebook notifications warning about the findings. To enhance the experience, Aveline plans to develop its own application to the game
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Tags: Pokémon, Books, Students, Teacher
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