The cable connections are still the majority, but Internet connections via fiber were the fastest growing and the number of accesses through this technology is now near the accesses through ADSL veteran.
in the second quarter of this year, the links by optical fiber represented 29% of all access, according to data released Thursday by Anacom, the National Communications Authority. The cable modem led, with one third of the access and the ADLS 30%. Finally are the LTE connections, a technology typically used for mobile Internet, but operators also sell as a fixed link. – Amounted to 7% of all accesses
In all, there were between April and June and 948,000 accesses the Internet via optical fiber, which means 6.8% more than in the first quarter and a jump of 31% over the same period of 2015. “in net terms, and in accordance with the trend of recent quarters, optical fiber access continue to be the preferred access new customers and the main driver of the number of accesses growth (with increases of more than 50 000 hits per quarter since the beginning of 2015),
as for the cable connections grew by 5% compared to the second quarter last year, while the ADSL fell 7%, in what was the sixth consecutive quarter of decline. the fiber has been promoted technology by operators and sold in packages of services which are the overwhelming majority of new hires. “It is estimated that at the end of the second quarter of 2016 about 97.2 percent of Internet access service customers in fixed broadband had acquired the service as part of a package of services”, specifies the Anacom.
the figures also show that Meo, the Altice group, continues to lose market share to Vodafone and in (partially owned by Soane, owner of PUBLIC), although it continues to lead the fixed broadband market . Meo had in the second quarter a share of 43% of the market (it was 51% a year earlier). In A was 37% (compared to 36% in 2015) and Vodafone saw its share rise to 16% (was 13%).
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