Saturday, August 27, 2016

Judicial alert to #desafio accepted on Facebook – Daily News – Lisbon

The challenge is to post a photo to black and white to participate in a “human chain” against cancer. PJ warns not to join because it is data invasion scheme

Mary accepted the challenge to put a your photo, black and white, a shop where he was, after a friend had ” planted “a message on your Facebook wall with the following content:”. the purpose of this challenge is to supply a picture of you in black and white … human although virtual chain for the fight against cancer Cola and identifies your friends .. . challenge them as I did with you. “

the challenge went viral and millions of people are accepting it in Portugal. In Spain, the newspapers yesterday warned of the false solidarity campaign calling it “scam”.

The Judicial Police, contacted by the DN, warned 4.7 million Facebook users in Portugal not accept this challenge if the message appears to them via Messenger or wall.

Carlos Goatherd, criminal investigation coordinator in the section that investigates cybercrime in Lisbon warns that this campaign “may be a way of raising emails and introduction of viruses in email addresses and then catch data (phishing). Many of these challenges that have emerged on Facebook “are false and have only criminal interests.”

When in doubt, do not accept. “people should always make sure if there is any credible organization behind a campaign. If this is not the case should not participate, “recommended the investigator.

Join without thinking

Maria told DN that joined without thinking much about it. “I have not read the message until the end because it came from a friend. then I made a selfie and posted. Or open sites or links, it was only this “but” only that “it is very All friends of Mary did like the photo will receive the following message via Messenger:..” I’m sorry but as you placed like on my picture you will have to put a picture of your black and white with the phrase: accept challenge. Let’s fill the Facebook photo black and white in favor of the fight against cancer. “It turns out that the message is not sent by itself but automatically, as if it were a virus.

In Spain, public concern with this new challenge Facebook filled the pages of the press. the ABC newspaper explained that these currents, “apparently harmless” and become viral, “do not contribute to anything,” at least good, in the case usually scams that have the perfect places social networks to develop.

experts explain that just a “taste” in these publications generate a string that allows companies to access to emails of users, creating huge bases data, then can send campaigns, called spam

alert Spanish police

the Spanish National police have issued a warning on its website:. “We have a new (and absurd) challenge on Facebook. This time with the title #desafio accepted “, shows us a photograph in black and white user who, from the moment it is” like “leads us to a message (…) If you did not know, treatment is a fictional campaign and their intentions are not good. “

the Spanish police warns that hides a string that” only serves to keep your e-mail address, spam campaigns, congest servers, fill you with advertising, lose value chains of people who really need help or boost the ego of the person who created this practical joke. ” Finally, the National Police leaves a precious advice: “. Be sure that it is something real before contributing to such causes meaningless”

On the internet page of the Judicial Police has not yet been put an alert. PJ often publishes alerts for all types of computer scams, a crime that has been growing in Portugal

It is best to follow some advice: do not open sent via Messenger site links;. Facebook does not accept invitations from people or organizations you do not know; not adhere to alleged solidarity campaigns that are not endorsed by credible organizations; activate frequently antivirus programs on your computer or mobile phone; do not send your personal data, bank or other e-mail addresses that do not know.


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