Friday, August 26, 2016

Instead of Pokemons, Belgium to hunt-books – publico







Inspired by the success of Pokémon Go, the Belgian Gregoire Aveline, director of a primary school, has developed an online game so that people seek books instead of cartoon monsters. Within weeks, the game attracted more than 40,000 players.

If for Pokemon Go, players use GPS and camera smartphone to search virtual creatures, the version of Aveline Gregoire is played through a Facebook group called “ free Chasseurs ” ( “Book Hunters”). And it works like this: Players publish a photo book, tips on where you can be hidden so that people go to hunt and find. Once one of the players finish reading the book, “frees the” back to the wild, so that another player can find it and read.

“When I was organizing my library, I realized that was not enough room for all my books. the idea of ​​the nature came in after playing Pokemon Go with my children, “says the teacher.




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