Saturday, August 27, 2016

Discovery ghost galaxy with 99.99% of dark matter – ZAP


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Scientists have discovered a galaxy that is composed mostly of dark matter, and only 0.01% are stars, gas and dust.

in 2015 starts, a team of researchers led by Pieter van Dokkum , Yale University, discovered a group of several large galaxies but almost ” deserted “.

for decades, these galaxies go unnoticed scientists but now this team could finally realize why.

it was through a” ghost galaxy “that despite having approximately the same mass than the Milky Way, consists of 99.99% of dark matter .

Named Dragonfly 44

, this galaxy is well near us, only 330 million light-years, but it had never been identified by scientists exactly its composition.

the remaining 0.01% are composed of stars, gas and dust , significantly less than in our galaxy, is explained in Article researchers published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

“in this galaxy, the stars move very fast, which means the mass of the stars is much smaller than the mass of the galaxy itself, “said van Dokkum.

” we have no idea how that could form galaxies of this type, “says Roberto Abraham , co-author and research professor at the University of Toronto, Canada.

Discover this galaxy is a great “gift” for researchers, since become the ideal object to study one of the greatest mysteries of the universe: dark matter

ZAP / RT / Sputnik News



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