Monday, August 29, 2016

Astronauts complete a year of isolation in preparation for Mars – TVI24

A group of six scientists ended on Sunday, a year of preparation to live on Mars. The exercise took place within a capsule with about 110 square meters

HI-SEAS mission (Hawaii Space Exploration Analog & amp; Simulation)., Conducted by the University of Hawaii, had American volunteers , German and French.

the six participants lived for 365 days in a capsule, whose operation was guaranteed by solar energy.

Christiane Heinicke, German physics that participated in the experiment, said that this mission has, among other things, “to get water from a soil that is apparently dry” and therefore design as would happen on Mars.

The capsule was installed on the volcano Mauna Loa, Hawaii, about 2500 meters above sea level, a place with little vegetation, like what is already known of the red planet.

in addition to the scientific component, the experiment aimed at exploring how the participants interact and deal with the pressure and the everyday conflicts.

After this mission, the University of Hawaii has opened new registrations for other Mars missions simulators.

the new simulations are scheduled for early January 2017 and another in January 2018 and lasted eight months.


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