Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: A “fanfiction” published – Spreads Facts

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child promised a return to the magical world’s most famous fictional wizard. Unfortunately, despite some moments that allowed us to relive for a little nostalgia, history can not do justice to the earlier books, and revelations and twists that seem to have come out of a fanfiction and not a plot solid level of seven previous books .

This article contains spoilers for Harry Potter and . the Cursed Child

The story starts at the point where over: Harry Potter is married to Ginny Weasley , is the father of three children and their middle child Albus Severus Potter is about to go to Hogwarts afraid of being put into Slytherin. The boy is in fact placed in the same house where eventually make friends with Scorpius Malfoy . As the relationship between Albus and Harry worse, the second is visited by Amos Diggory (father of the deceased Cedric Diggory ) that asks you to go back in time and save your child. When the Boy Who Lived refusal, Albus , helped by Scorpius and Delphie Diggory (niece of Amos ) tries to go back in time to save Cedric and save a life lost at the hands of Voldemort .

Positive Points

The book is divided into three parts. Who is a fan of Harry Potter will devour the beginning of the happy story to return to follow the lives of characters with which many of us grew up giving us the opportunity to dream of a magical world away from our routine muggle. Those who resolve to read this book without thinking too much on the details of the story may even enjoy the book, but in the end eventually know little. However, the most attentive fans have shown disappointment with this new book, and I would be dishonest if I said I had loved this new story.


However, it is interesting to see the future of Harry , Ron and Hermione as parents, while Harry and Draco Malfoy have greater airtime that aspect. The theme of the relationship “parent-child” is prevalent. Harry feel difficulties in dealing with the revolt Albus and Draco , ironically, sit very protective of Scorpius especially after the death of his mother and the rumors that he would be the child of Voldemort .

it should be noted that Albus and Harry are father and son. Their relationship began to detriorar-from the moment that Albus go to Hogwarts. both are complicated people, both have their own anxieties and / or ghosts of the past, and Albus is also added by the weight of a legacy for which neither asked. I found perfectly credible that Harry had difficulties as a parent, taking into account that not only did he never had parents at her side wanting to make the most of their support for a child he sees as angry as he was. In the end both begin to understand each other and develop a healthy confidence with each other.


Another positive aspect that I must point out is the friendship between Albus and Scorpius . When reading a book in which barely exist descriptions, was very rewarding for me to note that the friendship between the Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy is solid, genuine and full of loyalty (almost like Frodo and Sam The Lord of the Rings ). The two Slytherins are concerned really with each other, something that somehow comes to creating a certain “peace” between their parents, as well as reinforce the idea that not all members of the snake house are intended to be black sorcerers .


Now let us move to the negative aspects. One of the reasons why I did not feel so attached to the characters in this issue due to the fact that the text of the framework is in format a play script. this structure presents itself as a major drawback to this story especially when one wants to imagine in this world. 90% of the book are dialogues and the absence of more detailed descriptions eventually lead us to read this story without having exactly an in-depth idea of ​​the feelings of the characters.


On stage perhaps this will become easier to understand, as the performance of the actors . As a book, a person can not just engage fully in history. However, there are dialogues which notes the hand JK Rowling in the process and are some conversations that make us recognize the characters with which many of us grew up.

As regards the thread of history, so Albus and Scorpius start to travel in time, immediately sensed a contradiction with the previous books. Now, instead of a person traveling in time and whatever you do your actions create the future, the plot mimics the concept of Back to the future , in which a person traveling in time and change something just to change the whole future and creating a totally different reality If the theme of time travel is already complicated, this story does nothing to untangle the concept.

albus and Scorpius return back in time (and may only be 5 minutes in a certain period) more than once and apparently cause irreversible damage. Eventually they can undo the damage they cause only to later be forced to travel back in time with the same limitation of five minutes. After further back further back in time, they get stuck in a certain period and make a change in that past that somehow stands out the characters that are in the present tense. They are realizing the confusion? After you create an alternative future with the changes? Or whatever is done in the past it may be reflected in the present, as seen in The Prisoner of Azkaban ? This story was a bit hesitant in this respect to my mind.

In this case there is four time travel, three of which create alternate dimensions. However the effects it has on several characters are completely contradictory to their personalities. The Spreads Facts has already mentioned the problems with the character Hermione , perspective with which I totally agree. It also happened the same with their own Harry (which becomes a frustrated person who wants to force your child to obey you or that you have to force to remain separated from Scorpius), with Cedric Diggory (which becomes a Death Eater just because of a humiliation in Torneiro the Triwizard and ultimately kill Neville Longbottom ) Snape ( that is alive in these dimensions and is too generous for my taste) among others. These moments are off-character that misrepresent a bit the image we have of the characters and worsens when the motives are revealed by which a character has become arrogant. The worst case is the Hermione ; Article I mentioned explains better why

Read also:. Harry Potter: Hermione changes in ‘Cursed Child’ shake fans


However, the main revelation of the story was what definitely solidified my belief that leads me to refer to this book as being similar to a fanfiction : apparently Voldemort has a daughter the third character of the trio presents initially as Delphi! Diggory , niece of Amos Diggory , only to be revealed that she is the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange and who-We-Know . the plot of “secret son” is already so worn in fiction, not to mention that the stories written by HP this concept was one of the recurring themes. not to mention that Bellatrix showed no sign of pregnancy in Talismans the Death , when one is born into this child (more specifically, before the Battle of Hogwarts). So, when exactly is that Delphi was born? If this pregnancy was even possible how the mother could hide?

the history of climax also left much to be desired. Despite having contributed to the improvement of the relationship between Albus and Harry , the villain was very easy to defeat. The future is left as is and Harry see firsthand the death of his parents (one of the few brief emotional moments while reading the story and would like to see how it would be on stage).

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My general opinion Although The Cursed Child allow us to return briefly to Hogwarts and have had moments that entertained me, can not be at the level of other books. not only because of the structure of the text, but also by inconsistencies and plotholes sprinkling the story. I ruined my childhood? not at all. But the next time you want to re-imagine the corridors of Hogwarts as I read stories with characters with strong characters and interesting developments, this will definitely be the last of the eight books in which picked up. If it ever the will read again

Note:. 4.5 / 10


title : Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Author: JK Rowling, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany

Publisher: Little, Brown and Company

Pages: 320

release year: 2016


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