Who has dog knows: there are times it gives to make sure that the pet understands what you’re talking about. This is because, in fact, the animal is understanding you. A study of the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, found that the man’s best friend can but understand what is said by the owner.
To reach this conclusion, researchers trained 13 dogs to do the oldest trick in the trainers manual: bedtime. This was necessary because the animals had to be the most possible static for that MRI could read the brains of animals with maximum precision.
After teaching the trick, the researchers made the owners read sentences in different contexts: sentences positive with a positive tone, positive phrases with neutral tone, neutral sentences with neutral intonation and neutral phrases with positive tone. “Neutral phrases” in the case, mean words that make no sense – but they sound very similar to encouraging phrases. As the study is Hungarian, they used as one of its positive phrases “azaz” (yes!), And as one of the neutral “Akar” (and if) – just click on words to see how they look phonetically. If we were to translate into our reality, we would have something like “Congratulations, big dog” and then “six babies and a wagon.”
What the researchers found is that the brain of the animals releasing dopamine at
READ: The history of dog breeds
the study made the discovered researchers that, as in the case of humans, dogs tend to use the right side of the brain to analyze the tone of voice that around, and the left side to focus in what is being said to you; taking stock of these two analyzes to conclude how to react to the sentence in question.
This does not mean that if you scold a dog with friendly tone of voice, it will not shake the tail for you. It means that if you use the same name calling several times with the same affectionate tone, he will interpret that word is a compliment. The animals form their vocabulary of negative and positive words just based on the tone of the owners.
The researchers recorded the process in a short video – and fluffy. You can check it out below (to watch with subtitles in Portuguese, just click on the gear, then select the “subtitle / DC” and then click on “translate automatically”).
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