Is very good on the Xbox One, but with the right equipment, Forza Horizon 3 is breathtaking on the PC. Strengthening the foundation of DX12 to the excellent Forza Motorsport 6 Apex, Playground Games did a technical marvel for PC – a that we have tested at 4K and 60fps. A Core i7 6700K combined with a Nvidia’s Titan X Pascal meets the service with minimal adjustments, and the experience is phenomenal.
Forza Horizon 3 on the PC is based on three solid foundations. First, it all comes down to the impressive quality of the Xbox version One – the quality of the models of the cars is matched by a lively environment, rich and varied, heavens beautiful, and the lighting sublime. Second, there is the sense that the goods are well adapted to the different definitions of quality: the details jump out at you at 4K on the PC, the viewing distances are elongated, the pop-in reduced and the effects more refined .
The motion blur is more smooth, the shadows and reflections more crisp and detailed, without forgetting the big difference: the ability to run at 60fps. The last pillar of the quality of the engine itself: Forza Motorsport 6 Apex is very good but Horizon 3 adds more ambition, technological, and visual – as you would expect when the console version has double the rendering time to produce each frame.
Forza Horizon 3 that we have played throughout the week, especially on the Xbox One S, because I was looking forward to play it in HDR. In fact I was disappointed with the experience. To connect your Xbox One S at a Panasonic DX750 of 58 inches, the game moves immediately to HDR mode when you start, but although there seems to be greater the reach, the deep richness of the palette of the title seems missing. It seems almost deslavado, a sharp contrast with the loading screens.
I Captured a lot of the game on the Xbox One S at 4K via the resolution conversion, mainly due to an e-mail that I received, telling me this blog in German, which paints a picture of highly unpleasant to the converter 4K resolution in the new console. We noted that on our TV 4K Panasonic did a better job of resolution conversion when we tested initially the console, but we have spent some time working on our tools capture HDMI 2.0 4K, so it seemed like a good time to test the kit. The converter seems more smooth than a converter Photoshop capture 1080p native, but it seems to work well.
This is fantastic. A Core i7 6700K and a Titan X Pascal used in Forza Horizon 3 to 4K get as close as possible to 60fps fixed.
The video gives a good picture of the performance of the game, but my results are at the top of expectations, as one would expect when using equipment of this caliber. Many players talk of problems in the streaming of the world open, and to start my save on the Xbox One S, there have been glitches to move through the world. Have been resolved by disabling the anti-aliasing multi-sample, lowering down to FXAA. Below is the Xbox version One, but with the density of extreme pixels at 4K, there is little impact on the visual integrity. Second, we found that scenes in the dense forest can affect the frame rate – this was resolved with an overclock of +700MHz to the GDDR5 on the Titan X Pascal. With these settings, the majority of the open world of Horizon 3 runs without errors, only one area had caused us problems – the city to the north.
There are similar challenges when trying to run the 1080p60. With a GTX 970 on high – even with MSAA off, shadows medium, and an overclock – there are still some problems in dense forests. The new GTX 1060 is more stable even in ultra, while the RX 480 AMD seems to keep up, if not even better.
There is the feeling that it is a motor 30Hz, and it takes a lot of power to have 60fps fixed – the recommendations are a Core i7 processor. It is good game to be in the same beautiful 30fps because for many, it may make sense to up the quality settings and lock it at 30fps rather than chasing the 60fps. The 4K, fix the 30fps can also offer a sense of what to expect from the running game in the Xbox Project Scorpio – it is fantastic.
Forza Horizon 3 is a PC game beautiful, but the journey to put a motor to 30Hz in 60fps is incredible – it seems that Playground Games has a lot of work ahead to optimize the streaming of data. We’d love to have more to display but once more, the Windows Store has been shown not to be up to the task. Forza Horizon 3 arrived on Wednesday but it took two days to transfer successfully the game.
Unboxing – Monitor Curved AOC 35
The game requires that actualizes for the Windows 10 Anniversary Edition, a process that takes longer than expected. More problematic was the error found after download Forza Horizon 3, without the means to erase the corrupted data, or restart or resume the transfer. Erasing the contents of c:\windows\software distribution seemed to solve it but gave me another problem – freezes random in the app Store over the transfer of several hours. The option to restart failed completely – and to reinforce the frustration, restart the PC reiniciava the transfer.
Hundreds of gigas wasted and hours after, the solution was to grab the ISO Windows 10 Anniversary Edition ISO from Microsoft, to perform a clean installation from a second SSD and restart from scratch. It worked at first, and with transfer speeds higher. Maybe wrong has occurred with the update to Windows, but the idea is that you download a game, or even summarize an interrupted transfer is a feature so basic that it is hard to believe that Microsoft can’t do as it should be.
it Was worth it – Forza Horizon 3 is phenomenal on the PC, as the video demonstrates. Despite a few problems, the background streaming needs adjustment – even the owners of Core i7 processors that meet or even surpass the requirements suffer with problems, hiccups, and even the 1080p60, the equipment goes through difficulties. To have the experience maximized need expensive equipment. Soon we will have a comparison of Forza Horizon 3 on the PC against the Xbox One.
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