Thursday, August 11, 2016

No Man’s Sky – The Best Tips For Beginners –

No Man’s Sky , one of the most anticipated games of 2016 is now available in stores for the PlayStation 4 (tomorrow will be available to PC version) and many were run get it to start your exploration adventure in the universe. It turns out that is not a game where we have to do next is quite evident. Incidentally, No Man’s Sky gives freedom to the player to progress the way they understand and at the desired rate, however, there are things that only we realize later, after investing long hours.

So if you are still early in the game or have not even started, we have some tips to share with you. The tips are based on our personal experience with No Man’s Sky, however, if they have any relevant tip to add to our own, do not hesitate to share your knowledge in the comments section, because this is a game in which the sharing of discoveries part of the experience

Notes and / or give names to systems, planets and species to you receive money -. as you explore the universe and you find new systems and planets (and these planets you will find species of animals and plants), these are available to be registered in the menu. Please click “Options” in the Dualshock 4 in order to access the registry. You can choose to give the name you want to your discoveries, but to save time, you can register the findings with the name assigned automatically by the game. For each record you do receive money (eg registration of each system gives you 5000 credits). Accumulating records several hours of exploration, you’ll get a good amount

Learn the operation of Economy -. Money is extremely important in No Man’s Sky, as it is the currency exchange for purchasing best ships, rack up the inventory of your suit and obteres multiferramentas better equipped. The easiest way to boost your fortune is you sell resources and items that you find on the farm, but of course there are things that are worth more than others. Gold, for example, is a feature which yields a good value in any system, however, the value of which receive in each system varies. Besides selling power resources at the point of trade, you are able to trade with the mercenaries that you will finding the space stations. There are mercenaries that you can offer a lot more for an asset than the trade points. In our case, we already find mercenaries to offer more than 100% for a resource than the average galaxy

Does a good inventory management -. The biggest limitation of No Man’s Sky is the space available in your inventory. Limited space prevents you to carry a lot of resources. In addition, you have to remember that everything you do in the game spend resources, so it is important teres always at your disposal essential resources such as Plutonium, Thaumium and Carbon. These resources are important to reabasteceres your life support and systems of your ship. Something to keep in mind is that any new technology that implementes, either in fact or in the ship, will occupy a slot in the inventory, which means you’ll have less space to transport resources.

You do not have to pay for a new ship – get a ship with a larger inventory is a top priority in No Man’s Sky. As mentioned earlier, you can buy a ship to a mercenary, but you can also find a derelict! Abandoned ships are one of the potential findings of Signal Scanners (some common devices that emit a beam of light orange / red). To interact with them accurate Chip Bypass, you can buy or make after you learn the formula. Through Signal scanners can capture transmissions, which can sometimes be lost distress signals. Follow the signs and you’ll be rewarded with a derelict (usually, these ships need resources to become operational, but the extra inventory space is worth it).

Use the Scan regularly and explores and the planets – the Scan tool is extremely useful, detecting all the resources that are close. Still, even with this tool, you should well explore the planets, entering caves where usually are rare resources such as gold and aluminum, and dive into water bodies, where you can also find some surprises and more species to analyze and record. If you find all kinds of one planet, you will receive a large sum of money, so if you have time and patience, it is worth exploring the most.

Learn the languages ​​of Aliens and helps them – throughout your journey through space you will find Aliens races, however, they speak an incomprehensible language initially. That you should understand better the languages ​​of Aliens, you should direct you to the knowledge of stones that are in all the planets. Each stone teaches you the meaning of a new word. The more words you learn, the better your understanding of speech. Occasionally you’ll also find Aliens in trouble that you will ask for help. . If you help, you’ll receive it rewards such as new technologies that you will help to explore the universe

Is mindful of your signs of life – If you are exploring a planet with an atmosphere hostile, your life support system will always be decreasing. Also, there are other planets with conditions such as very hot, very cold, high levels of radiation and storms. Conditions like this limit the time you can explore without you find a shelter. Later you can improve your suit to score more resistance to hostile planets, but first you’ll have to be very careful. Another tip: most forms of life are friendly, but eventually you will find animals that attack you on sight. Be careful not to die!

“There are planets with other conditions such as very hot, very cold, high levels of radiation and storms”

what happens if I die – dying is not common in no Man’s Sky. In fact, after long hours exploring systems and planets, only die once. Our death occurred after a three naves attack space pirates. After die turned up at the nearest space station. The resources that were transported on the ship at the place of your death, so to recover will have to go again for what. We do not know what happens if they die again before you collect resources, but such a thing is very unlikely to happen. By the way, if you want to escape a pirate attack:. Enter the space station and landing on the nearest planet, if possible

Enjoy the scenery and play as you want – This is the best tip for getting the most out of the game. It is aware of the beauty of each planet and spend your time the way you want. No Man’s Sky has basically three objectives that appear at the beginning: you follow the path of Atlas, explore the universe and reach the center of the Galaxy. You can follow a path linearly or not. In our case, we are obsessed with the Atlas and its mysteries, but the game does not force you to anything. This is one of those games to “go play.” Play too a day can lead to fatigue, as No Man’s Sky eventually falls into a routine after a few hours.


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