Saturday, January 31, 2015

Hundreds at Lisbon airport against the sale of TAP – iOnline

Hundreds of people were concentrated next to Lisbon airport to demonstrate to government dissatisfaction with the decision to privatize the airline, an initiative organized by the movement “No TAP eyes.”

In the first row, TAP employees and Groundforce held placards rejecting the privatization of the company and to express their love for the company, with phrases like “I love TAP”, “TAP, national pride, “among others.

Among the protesters huddled under the airport entrance flap arise also leaves to resign the Economy Minister Pires de Lima, and the Secretary of State for Transport, Sergio Monteiro, both parents government by the privatization of TAP process.

By the middle of gifts found themselves figures as the general secretary of the CGTP, Armenian Carlos, the deputy of the Left Bloc Pedro Filipe Soares, the lawyer Garcia Pereira and Antonio-Pedro Vasconcelos filmmaker who leads the movement “No TAP eyes.”

The Government re-launched the privatization of TAP in November and

earlier this month approved by the Council of Ministers the specification, defining the conditions for the sale of up to 66% of the capital of the group by the end of the first semester.

In early February will be available the remaining economic and financial information on the group of interested parties, revealed on Wednesday the Secretary of State for Transport adding that they will have to sign a confidentiality agreement to access the data of sensing the reality of TAP.


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Was hours without going to Twitter? Now do not lose ‘dash’ – News Minute to

Twitter announced yesterday the latest social networking tool. It’s called ‘As Was Out’ and is a mechanism that keeps the publications that you did not see to be absent from the social network, reads the online edition of the Brazilian magazine Exame.

He was a few hours without going to Twitter and do not know what happened in the social network during that time? This problem already has a solution, which was announced yesterday by the company.

According to Exame magazine, Twitter will implement a new feature to the social network. This is a mechanism called ‘As Was Out’, able to collect all the major publications that were not seen by the user when he was absent from the site.

The Lost publications and now ‘recovered’ by Twitter will displayed in the user timeline, but with proper notification that are not recent tweets, but recovered.

The algorithm that will select the

publications is, for now, exclusively borne by the social network, having the user the ‘power’ to choose what you want or do not see. For now, you just have the ability to decide whether or not this new feature enabled.

This new engine will be available in the web version of the social network and the mobile versions for iOS.


Twitter is ‘saturated’ of Instagram links – EN Journal

Twitter is asking the most influential users in particular the famous, so that they share their photographs within their network with the tools that Twitter offers.

The social network of short messages, whether users stop sharing Instagram links on Twitter, explaining that the shared images are not visible within the network itself. Twitter has its own tools for sharing pictures and want users to make use of them, rather than share dozens of Instagram link in the network.

remember that Instagram was acquired by Facebook. Taking this into account, the social network of photographs, goes also to be a competitor to Twitter. Twitter is tired of ‘cover’ links with other social network that takes away users, since these links when opened, take the user to Instagram.

The social network of microblogging or by order to this and has started sending notifications to some celebrities as a way to raise awareness to share their photos from

the network itself.

This measure was taken because of the influence that these celebrities have in social networks. Justin Bieber and Seth Rogen, were some of the celebrities who have received notifications for not sharing more Instagram links to Twitter.

It is unlikely that this measure will have effect. As is well known by users, Instagram has a number of filters to the photos that Twitter does not have.


Now it’s time for Apple: Google reveals not the bugs fixed … –

 Mac Yosemite

The Google project that finds bugs and gives 90 days for companies to fix before publicly, is the talk with the new victim to be Apple.

What is Google Project Zero? It is a project that is when software failures of third parties, says the company affected and after 90 days disclose the details of his discovery, giving a limit of 90 days for the company to correct the problem. Thus, Google believes he can press the companies for the rapid correction of bugs found.

Or the

staff behind Google are many good find difficult bugs to fix, or so companies are not interested with the failures of software. After last week Google has released the second time then Windows bugs before Microsoft have the corrected this week was the turn of Apple be the new victim.

According to CNet, form found three high-level failures, which can help hackers to take control of the Mac. However, failures should be corrected in the next update of the Mac, in Yosemite 10.10.2, according to iMore.


Saturday, January 24, 2015

Faults not remedied in Apple software released by Google –

 The flaws in question are three and a high severity level, Cnet reported. As with every flaw revealed on the site created by Google to push the market to correct quickly the flaws in its software, the fault information is published together with a proof of concept of an exploit to take advantage of the error.

As it has done other times, Google finally reveal all the details for the three failures before Apple has presented the corrections. This week had happened the same with flaws in Microsoft software.

Last week the owner of Windows had also been endorsed by the revelation of a failure that would be corrected a day later, the monthly package updates.

When the researchers associated with the project discovered a security flaw forward it to the company that owns

the software in question, which has a term of three months to fix the problem. When the deadline failures are revealed automatically, whether or not since been corrected.

Written under the new Spelling Agreement


Twitter does not want users to post photos on Instagram – News Minute to

Twitter is to ask their most influential users to stop publishing photos that social network via Instagram.

Users who publish photos on Twitter via Instagram are receiving messages that fail to do so.

According to Mashable, not all users are receiving these messages from the administration, only the most popular and influential, such as musicians, actors or business .

The justification given by the social network focuses on the quality of the images. Twitter says that by sharing pictures through Instagram photos and lose quality as the social network has a photo sharing tool there

is no need to resort to other platforms.


Google reveals three vulnerabilities in the operating system of Apple – Daily News – Lisbon

Google’s Zero Project released this Friday all technical details three vulnerabilities considered “serious” in Apple OS X, the operating system (OS) computer brand apple.

Any one of the detected problems would allow a hacker, having access to a Mac, could you have full control over the computer, writes CNet specialized site.

One of these vulnerabilities, according to the same source, will be mitigated (but not eliminated) in the latest version of the system, OS X Yosemite. As for the two remaining problems remain even in this update of the OS.

The decision to release the vulnerabilities before the Apple have solved is justified by Google department with the fact of having informed the company based in Cupertino (California) for more than 90 days, which considers sufficient to solve the problems.

Created in the

middle of last year by Google to detect potential failures in the systems of personal computers, Project Zero previously had disclosed security flaws before they are resolved at the time for the Windows, Microsoft.


Google reveals three operating system vulnerabilities Apple – Daily News – Lisbon

Google’s Zero Project released this Friday all technical details three vulnerabilities considered “serious” in Apple OS X, the operating system (OS) computer brand apple.

Any one of the detected problems would allow a hacker, having access to a Mac, could you have full control over the computer, writes CNet specialized site.

One of these vulnerabilities, according to the same source, will be mitigated (but not eliminated) in the latest version of the system, OS X Yosemite. As for the two remaining problems remain even in this update of the OS.

The decision to release the vulnerabilities before the Apple have solved is justified by Google department with the fact of having informed the company based in Cupertino (California) for more than 90 days, which considers sufficient to solve the problems.

Created in the middle of last year by Google to detect potential failures in the systems of personal computers, Project Zero previously had disclosed security flaws before they are resolved at the time for the Windows, Microsoft.


Twitter no longer ‘support’ the Instagram links – EN Journal

Twitter no longer ‘support’ more see your feed filled with instagram news links, and is asking users who use their own network to share photos.

The social network of short messages, whether users stop sharing Instagram links on Twitter, explaining that shared images are not visible within the network itself. Twitter has its own tools for sharing pictures and want users to make use of them, rather than share dozens of Instagram link in the network.

remember that Instagram was acquired by Facebook. Taking this into account, the social network of photographs, goes also to be a competitor to Twitter. Twitter is tired of ‘cover’ links with other social network that takes away users, since these links when opened, take the user to Instagram.

The social network of microblogging or by order to this and has started sending notifications to some celebrities as a way to raise awareness to share their photos from the network itself.

This measure was taken because of the influence that these celebrities have in social networks. Justin Bieber and Seth Rogen, were some of the celebrities who have received notifications for not sharing more Instagram links to Twitter.

It is unlikely that this measure will have effect. As is well known by users, Instagram has a number of filters to the photos that Twitter does not have.


Twitter is ‘fed up’ of Instagram links – EN Journal

Twitter is asking the most influential users in particular the famous, so that they share their photographs within their network with the tools that Twitter offers.

The social network of short messages, whether users stop sharing Instagram links on Twitter, explaining that the shared images are not visible within the network itself. Twitter has its own tools for sharing pictures and want users to make use of them, rather than share dozens of Instagram link in the network.

remember that Instagram was acquired by Facebook. Taking this into account, the social network of photographs, goes also to be a competitor to Twitter. Twitter is tired of ‘cover’ links with other social network that takes away users, since these links when opened, take the user to Instagram.

The social network of microblogging or by order to this and has started sending notifications to some celebrities as a way to raise awareness to share their photos

from the network itself.

This measure was taken because of the influence that these celebrities have in social networks. Justin Bieber and Seth Rogen, were some of the celebrities who have received notifications for not sharing more Instagram links to Twitter.

It is unlikely that this measure will have effect. As is well known by users, Instagram has a number of filters to the photos that Twitter does not have.


PSP officers are alert to possible abduction by police … – Daily News – Lisbon

The National Police Union (Sinapol) issued a warning being broadcast by agents with recommendations and precautions to prevent possible jihadist attacks the police to the public . These recommendations began in Madrid, arrived in Portugal by Spanish police unions, and already circulating by word of mouth in Lisbon.

The warnings began Spain , where police officers be warned each other to try to prevent a terrorist attack against a staff member. The Spanish newspaper El Confidential spoke of a “real danger of kidnapping a member of the National Police Corps or a Civil Guard to then videotaping their execution.”

The Public, President of Sinapol said “better safe than sorry and Spain is just next door.” Armando Ferreira told the newspaper that the Sinapol began issuing recommendations to police after being notified of the risk by “colleagues of police unions in Spain.”

The Portuguese alert consists of three recommendations. The agents, even when not in use, should always go

with the gun, should not identify themselves as police when they are not working, and all the elements of force, even the administrative and who are currently prevented from doing so, “should now always be accompanied by service weapon” , said Armando Ferreira.

In Spain, it was specifically recommended that the police did not identify in the subway, on buses or in gym, and that certify that they were not followed when leaving the stations.


Friday, January 23, 2015

Twitter wants to wipe out the Instagram links – TVI24

Twitter is asking its users to stop publishing Instagram photo links.

The images of the social network Instagram not appear on Twitter, when shared in this social network since 2012. As the link to the photo appears in the user’s publication.

But now, Twitter already has its own tools for publishing images and want to stop in time, with all shares that come from Instagram, social network which was acquired by Facebook.

Several influential celebrities and users connected to the entertainment industry, sport and the media, will have received messages from Twitter, suggesting a direct image sharing within the microblog. The ‘Mashable’ account that among these names are figures like singer Justin Bieber or the actor Seth Rogen.

The idea can even be good, but the task to convince users to use the Twitter image tools do not guess easy task.

The service available on the microblogging is much more limited than that of Instagram, which offers a wider variety of filters and image editing options.

So, Instagram remains the favorite social network for sharing images and has gained more and more popularity, even having already exceeded the number of Twitter users.


Ministry of Education believes will “save” more teachers … – Express

If the government retraining program went into effect Friday, 120 teachers with ties to the Ministry of Education but do not have an assigned class enter this regime and would earn less 40%.

The rules apply to everyone upgrading public service employees who have certain assigned tasks, but in the case of teachers, its implementation was delayed until February 1, 2015. The number of teachers called “zero time” – work in schools, but not as part of a class in particular – has been gradually reduced.

In December 2012 there were 758 without letiva component; in December 2014 there were already 175; the day the number is in the 120. And on the 1st of February, may be even much less, said Friday the School Administration Secretary of State John Casanova de Almeida, after meetings with the main union federations.

The reduction is explained by the placement of teachers without school hours in other programs that have been created by the Ministry of Education: literacy, monitoring of institutionalized children, shelters, etc. explained Casanova de Almeida. And how programs are not closed and teachers who are now without classes can see their situation change at any time (next week there is new movement for placement needs that will always popping up throughout the year in schools), the Secretary of State says it is impossible to know what the names of who will be in the requalification of the list on February 1.

In addition, teachers without school hours can be moved to other schools, for ” interest of the administration “, up to 60 kilometers. “They are all measures to ensure that teachers are lacking the

education system do not follow to the regeneration,” said Casanova de Almeida. It is recalled that the minister Nuno Crato promised to do everything to the number of zero times approached zero.

The list of teachers’ names in retraining scheme is annual, by any teacher who will lose their letiva component between 1 February and the end of the year, will no longer list in 2015.

The rehabilitation foresees a reduction of salary 40% in the first 12 months. At the end of this period increases to 60%. In the case of civil servants who joined the paintings from 2009, the final measure through the dismissal if they do not find another placement in public administration.

Mario Nogueira, secretary general of Fenprof, will warn that teachers will not be “seated and silent” waiting for the outcome of the case. João Dias da Silva, the FNE, again insisted on the idea that “all teachers who are in the system are needed.” “They may not have given class, but are working with students. The concept of no letiva component can not be understood as narrowly,” he argued.


Twitter presents translation feature again – Pplware

Twitter is not the social networks most used in Portugal, however The company does not intend to stay behind large companies worldwide as Microsoft or Google.

After these two have presented their real-time translation systems now comes the news that Twitter will bring back a very similar functionality.


So to be able to connect all the people who do not speak the same language, and also not to fall behind in relation to competition, Twitter again brings to the public translation functionality to Tweets .

Of course, those who have used applications or translation services know that the results can vary in quality but is usually enough that the user can understand the essence of the phrase or text that is being translated.

In this particular case, Twitter is using the Microsoft engine, Bing, to make the translations. You can check that now appears a new feature immediately below each Tweet of “See Translation”. Just click this button to have the text Tweet be translated.


If you want to enable or disable Translation functionality, simply go to your account settings and check / uncheck

the “Translation Tweet”

Source:. Twitter

Hugo Sousa to Pplware

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<- External networks -> <-
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More expensive flue country resists competition and the crisis in Vinhais – Vision

Vinhais, Bragança 23 Jan (Lusa) – A family spend 250-300 euros in the most expensive filled the country is a reality that has withstood competition and the crisis in Fair Fumeiro of Vinhais, returning between 05 and February 8.

The transmontana village claims the status of “Capital Meats” with the oldest fair of its kind, which for 35 years serves as a showcase of vast potential with replicas in other areas, but that the organization ensures “resists competition and the crisis” with the trait “distinctive quality”.

“It’s the oldest in the country, others appeared, competition is always note, but we do not suffer this competition because, besides the importance and dynamism that the fair already have, has the quality

factor of these products is unique, “he said today Luis Fernandes, vice president of Vinhais Chamber’s presentation of the event.


In work or in slacks, police should carry arms – News Minute to

Even if not in service, the police should carry arms. Conviction is the National Union of PSP, worried about terrorist threats that have occurred in Europe, realizes the site Observer.

The National Police Union (SINAPOL) prepared a list of advice to give the Portuguese agents, taking into account the state of alert against terrorism in Europe is.

The recent threats made the Spanish police unions take action and advise the Portugal follow his steps. And so it was.

“The Portuguese police officers should start walking permanently armed with the service weapon that is distributed them or self-defense weapon,” the SINAPOL, quoted by the Observer website.

The rule is to apply not only in the working timetable, but also in the gaps and holidays. However, it is noteworthy that is only a recommendation

and no one forces you to be fulfilled.

The concern about terrorism and the various cases of murder of the authorities factors prompted the representative of the police to advise them the walk not in uniform outside the workplace, even on the way home-work / work-home.


In work or in slacks, police should carry arms – News Minute to

Even if not in service, the police should carry arms. Conviction is the National Union of PSP, worried about terrorist threats that have occurred in Europe, realizes the site Observer.

The National Police Union (SINAPOL) prepared a list of advice to give the Portuguese agents, taking into account the state of alert against terrorism in Europe is.

The recent threats made the Spanish police unions take action and advise the Portugal follow his steps. And so it was.

“The Portuguese police officers should start walking permanently armed with the service weapon that is distributed them or self-defense weapon,” the SINAPOL, quoted by the Observer website.

The rule is to apply not only in the working timetable, but also in the gaps and holidays. However, it is noteworthy that is only a

recommendation and no one forces you to be fulfilled.

The concern about terrorism and the various cases of murder of the authorities factors prompted the representative of the police to advise them the walk not in uniform outside the workplace, even on the way home-work / work-home.


Study says travel through time and space may be possible – TVI24

galaxy may have a tunnel which provides a galactic transport system, or allowing travel through time and space. The conclusion is a new study by Italian scientists, Americans and Indians was published in the journal ‘Annal of Physics’.

We saw the movie “Interstellar” probably reminds if the term warmhole , a kind of spatial shortcut that allowed the characters to travel to another dimension. For now, fiction can even pass the reality, since this group of researchers believes that a warmhole may well exist in the Milky Way.

The study was based on the analysis of the theory of relativity, Albert Einstein. The equations developed by the scientist were combined with a detailed map of the distribution of dark matter (which is most of the existing matter) in the Milky Way.

‘ If we join the map of dark matter in the Milky Way with the latest model of the Big Bang and teorizarmos the existence of space-time tunnel, we get is the theory that our galaxy may actually contain one of these tunnels and it can be the same size as the galaxy itself, “said Paolo Salucci, one of the study authors and an

astrophysicist at the International School for Advanced Studies of Trieste, the BBC.

The team of scientists will further and admits that it may be possible to travel through this tunnel.

Salucci stressed, however, that the findings are hypothesis and, for now, can not yet be proven. What can be said is that ‘according to the theoretical models, this hypothesis is possible. ”

This type of spatial tunnels is a hypothetical concept in physics, but that arouses the interest of scientists long ago. However, last year won a major highlight with the premiere of the film by Christopher Nolan ‘Interstellar’.


Telefónica launches exclusive negotiations with Hutchinson … – Business Journal – Portugal

Telefónica launches exclusive negotiations with Hutchinson Whampoa for the sale of O2

Li Ka-shing, owner of conglomerate Hutchinson Whampoa of Hong Kong, is in talks with Telefonica for the purchase of the British subsidiary of the Spanish company for an indicative value of around 13.5 billion euros.

Telefónica confirmed this sexta- Thursday, January 23, the Spanish market regulator (National Securities Market Commission), reported in, which began exclusive negotiations with the company Hutchinson Whampoa of Hong Kong, led by billionaire Li Ka-shing, for the sale of subsidiary sual O2 UK.

The “target price” of this operation is around 10.25 millones pounds (approximately EUR 13.5 million). The process will last “several weeks,” said the Spanish company to the regulator.

After trying to sell your mobile operator to the group British Telecom (BT) last December, Telefónica found another buyer. Other telecommunications companies such as Skym, showed interest in the subsidiary of the Group chaired by César Alierta in recent weeks.

With this transaction the company based in Hong Kong will join its subsidiary Three with the subsidiary of Alierta, said Thursday the Financial Times. The combination of O2, the second mobile operator in the UK with around 22 million customers, with Threee will generate the largest mobile network company that country with a share of 41% markets, above the EE

(Everything Everywhere). Currently, EE holds 32% of the total UK’s mobile business and is in the process of merging with BT, which in turn is a leader in the wireline market.

Li Ka-shing who has citizenship of Hong Kong and also Canadian, owns the Hutchinson Whampoa conglomerate, headquartered in the Chinese administrative region.

With the confirmation of negotiations between the two companies, Telefónica has increased by almost 3% on the Madrid stock exchange, placing the company’s shares to 13.3 euros.

The shares of Hutchinson Whampoa appreciated 4% on the Hong Kong stock market shortly after the ban on trading of the conglomerate bonds have been raised by the local regulator.

(News updated at 11:11 with the confirmation of Telefónica to the Spanish market regulator)


Man died in a house fire – The Ball

A man of about 70 years died on Thursday night at home in Santo Tirso, suffered a fire, which forced the relocation of four people living in adjacent houses, said source of local firefighters.

The alert Fire was given to 22:08, but when firefighters arrived on the scene, the ground floor of the house, had been destroyed by the flames.

Firefighters found inside the housing the body of a man who appeared 70 years.

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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Microsoft announced it will launch Office 2016 package this year – state Mail

Microsoft said on Thursday (22 ) that will release the next version of its package Office ( Word Excel PowerPoint etc.) in the second half of this year.

“We will have more to disclose about the Office 2016 [as will be called the software package] in the coming months, but this suite will continue to offer comprehensive experience with which you are familiar, best enjoyed on a PC with keyboard and mouse, “said the site” The Verge Julia White , general manager of Office in the American company

The news about this future release is scarce – and little “revolucionárias- with information published by rumors about the option of a dark look and the return of a virtual assistant that appeared in previous versions, Clippy .

This Wednesday (21), the company held an event in which we presented the direction the company should take in relation to the Windows and to other areas, including Office (which will be distributed free to purchasers of new equipment with the future Windows 10), the

Outlook (which will have a “universal” version for PC, tablet and mobile), the Xbox (more integrated into the PC) and even virtual reality.

In 2011, Microsoft started selling the Office also in the model SaaS (software as a service, its acronym in English), through the call signature Office 365, which, depending on the plan, can give right to any set of software and free updates.

Increasingly the company take actions to bring customers signing the service instead of paying once for the package. In this sense the Office 2016 announcement comes at a dose of surprise, since the company could have bet on “kill” a number of versions.


Research on Cancer, stroke and decontamination of water … – Science Today

These are some of the challenges that are proposed Sonia Melo of Pathology and Molecular Immunology Institute (IPATIMUP), University of Porto, Raquel Ferreira, of the Centre for Research in Health Sciences (CICS), University of Beira Interior, and Vanya Calisto , the Environment and Marine Studies Center (CESAM), University of Aveiro, the three researchers distinguished at the 11th edition of “Awards of Honor L’Oréal Portugal for Women in Science”.

Launched in 2004, a partnership L’Oréal Portugal, UNESCO National Commission and the Foundation for Science and Technology, this scientific program encourages young researchers carrying out his research in Portugal, but have PhDs aged up to 35 years (inclusive), to pursue original studies and relevant to health and the environment.

The three young women now highlighted were selected from over 100 candidates and today, the Pavilion of Knowledge, each received its ‘Medal of Honor’ and an incentive of 20 thousand euros which aims to help them continue their research projects. With Sonia Melo, Raquel Ferreira and Vania Callisto, the “Medal of Honor L’Oréal Portugal for Women in Science” are total 34 scientists supported.

Featured Health and Environment.

Cancer was early on Sonia Melo research object

The cancer was early on Sonia Melo research object

Sonia Melo completed her PhD at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, he pursued post-doctoral studies in the US, at Harvard Medical School and the MD Anderson Cancer Center and most recently joined the Molecular Pathology and Immunology Institute (IPATIMUP) the University of Porto, as principal investigator. The cancer was early your investigated and, at 34, is now highlighted with a project to deepen the role of exosomes in the dynamics and progression of heterogeneous tumors and see if these materials may be a less invasive way to diagnose and monitor cancer.

PhD in Neuroscience Center and Cell Biology, University of Coimbra, Raquel Ferreira continued post-doctoral studies in the US at the University of Southern California, in the area of ​​brain angiogenesis. He returned to Portugal

in 2013 and joined the Research Centre for Health Sciences at the University of Beira Interior, where he works as a researcher. At 33, Rachel is distinguished with a design that can open new avenues in the treatment of stroke and other vascular diseases by treating patients with these cells obtained nanoparticles containing retinoic acid, a novel and effective formulation for a molecule that acts as regulator of vascular function and is able to promote the formation of new neurons.

 Vanya Calisto dedicated his doctoral the

Vania Calisto dedicated his doctorate at the “Occurrence and fate of psychiatric drugs in the environment”

PhD in Chemistry at the University of Aveiro, Vanya Calisto, 29, has devoted his PhD to “Occurrence and fate of psychiatric drugs the environment “and continued its work of post-doctoral researcher in the Center for Environment and Sea (CESAM), the same university. The research that goes on there – and that led to this distinction – aims to develop adsorbents able to remove drug residues found in water treated by the WWTP. Vania will test feedstock bio-waste from the pulp and paper industry, also contributing to the promotion of these materials. The aim is to remove these toxic compounds, whose accumulation in the waters is a growing cause for concern.

The three scientists were selected from over a hundred candidates by a jury chaired by Alexandre Quintanilha and composed of Cecilia Maria Arraiano, Claudia Pereira, Deolinda Lima, Helena Freitas and Leonor Cancela.
