Now that Google Glass begins to reach the hands of early adopters begin to better understand some features of the accessory.
It is possible to see, for example, that there is already an application, the GlassTweet, which allows publish photos directly to Twitter from the accessory .
Who gave app to the world, at least we have noticed, was Loic Le Meur. The founder of LeWeb tested the application, not yet official, this Wednesday (day 1), by posting a picture on Twitter with the hashtag # throughglass. In other words, “by the glass”.
According to Le Meur, quoted by the Globe site, the application was not developed by GlassTweet Twitter and is still “very simple and very limited” . Only allows the user to take a picture using the voice command, and post the image on Twitter or Google+.
Already site TechCrunch says that Twitter may even be developing its own app for Glass and some tweets the company, which have since been deleted, indicate this.
However, Google released a new video where he talks more about the operation of the accessory.
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