Friday, March 18, 2016

US announces new Internet service plan through tariff and All package Four 3GB – PCGuia

The US has launched an offer with the aim of eliminating barriers which affect the consumption of data: a new Internet service plan through tariff or package All Four 3GB. Customers now enjoy 3GB of mobile data card.

In addition to enhancing the volume of mobile data packages Four now come with the advantage of full data distribution. That is, it becomes possible to define the specific amount of data that the client wishes to have on each card that is associated with the package, according to each user’s profile.

In addition to the supply increase mobile data tariff at all and 3G Four package, tariff Kanguru S and M go to 3GB and 7GB. Now, Internet 7GB everywhere costs 11.49 euros per month, and in adherence to Kanguru M and XL, the NOS also offers hotspot Kanguru 3G.

Via US.

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