Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Facebook gave up supporting the BlackBerry – Pplware

After WhatsApp announced it would abandon the BlackBerry, new services seem to be taking the same decision and follow their steps.

The latest to come to this conclusion is Facebook itself as it prepares to abandon the BlackBerry and without giving any alternative to all who use these smartphones.


The BlackBerry has been in a downward spiral for some years now. After being for a long time, the reference company in the field of smart phones and security itself, dropped the title and was overtaken by the competition.

As a result of this abandonment, more services are leaving this platform. After WhatsApp is now the turn of own Facebook decide who will no longer support the BlackBerry. It is also clear that the side of BlackBerry this decision was poorly received, as the words of Lou Gazzola, senior manager of marketing the show.

We are extremely disappointed in Their decision, the we know so many users love these apps. We fought back to work with WhatsApp and Facebook to change Their minds, but at this time, Their decision stands (but let Them know how you feel on social media using the hashtag # ILoveBB10Apps).

Despite this , we have worked hard to Ensure que our end-users have the best experience in light of this decision, and we are continuing to search for alternate solutions.

The search for alternatives to this situation is something that is being done but does not yet have a solution.

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What are the alternatives for users of BlackBerry?

As mentioned earlier, the BlackBerry actively seeking solutions to these two problems, WhatsApp and Facebook, but so far still He did not provide any solution. It is still early and the service will run until the end of the year. Probably you can not use alternative applications for Facebook is closing the base APIs that served these apps.

The only alternative is probably to use the browser and the web version of Facebook, which is prepared to serve these devices.

This is another loss that BlackBerry has, and that is unlikely to recover. The social networks are increasingly a requirement of the users. With the shift to the Android universe, the BlackBerry may be able to change your destiny and recover users who have lost.


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