Thursday, March 24, 2016

Pornhub launches adult content in virtual reality – Portal Technology


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 & # XD3; VR Google glasses

Pornhub, entertainment site for adults, began to provide content – videos -. in virtual reality, so as to keep up with the advancement of technology

to help access the contents in VR, the Pornhub, will distribute Google goggles for all users who register on the site. The content is written in 360 or 180 and work for desktop and / or smartphones. This new channel available in the online portal is the result of a partnership with baDoinkVR company, specializing in entertainment production for adults to virtual reality.

In addition to Google Cardboard, the contents are prepared to work in Gear VR and Oculus Rift, but also in the browser of a computer or a smartphone, but also happens on YouTube.

to access the content (im) own in virutal reality, you can access the site you can

see the next video, advertising the new

: – >

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