Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Facebook active notification of security after terrorist attacks in Brussels – Portal Technology



 security center & # XE7, the brussels

even still have not seen television, heard the radio or read newspapers online, surely you already know of the recent terrorist attacks in Brussels, at the airport and another in the metro.

As has happened in the most recent disasters, they are natural or provoked, as he has already happened in the attacks of Paris, Facebook has activated the security center, a facility for people who are in the surrounding area to danger may indicate to all your friends on the social network that are safe.

How could it be, shortly after the terrorist attacks that began at the airport, Facebook has enabled this feature on the social network.

in a statement, Facebook said that more than 950 million people received a notification of this feature indicating that your friends or family are well, since the events in Paris and the floods in India. This tool began

after the Nepal earthquake that happened last year.

If you want to access the functionality to see if some of your friends already given more information, follow the link to Facebook.

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