Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Brussels: Facebook active safety notification – The Game

The social network Facebook has activated a security notification that allows users to communicate to your contacts that are safe and sound, following the attacks in Brussels.

The function allows Facebook Security Center sends a message to all users registered in the affected area, either in the profile or on the internet network location

users can later confirm that they are safe and sound. – for ” friends “will appear after” marked as safe “.

the functionality of” security check “had been activated by Facebook when the attacks committed in Paris, the French capital on 13 November last year, caused 130 dead and hundreds injured.

the same function could be used at the time of floods recorded in India, which in December last year, caused 325 dead and affected millions of people.

in a statement, Facebook estimates that, through this feature, more than 950 million people received a notification that your friends, family and acquaintances were well after the events in Paris and India.

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