Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Samsung launches social network of collective creation and application of musical composition – Digital Journal

 Samsung presented at the South by Southwest festival in Austin, three projects born in the C-Lab, the innovation program that helps the company’s employees to generate their own creative business ideas. The highlight was the Waffle, a social network that allows you to create collaborative content between friends

It works like this:. Someone launches an image in the app, such as a photo, drawing or digital. Other friends who are part of the same network can add drawings, phrases and more photos. All this creates a mural of collective creation where each collaboration is arranged in a small square. The overview recalls the grill of a waffle. – Yes, there came the name of the initiative

Another interesting project is the Samsung Hum On !, an application that listens to what the person hums to the mobile device to turn it into a musical creation. With the help of analysis software, melody recording becomes a musical phrase in the score. From there, you can move directly in the notes, the tone or change arrangements. No need accurate music knowledge, because the app seems to be quite intuitive.

The third project shown by Samsung was the Entrim 4D a head accessory (headset) not only to see and hear reality content virtual, but also to feel the movements generated by the videos.

Entrim 4D uses a combination of algorithms and GVS technology (galvanic vestibular stimulation, a technique that sends specific electrical messages to a nerve in the ear). The GVS is used, for example, to restore the balance in stroke victims in recovery.

With the headset, you can feel the direction and speed of the video motion. Says Samsung that the device would be useful even in drones, for the person feel like you’re flying.

As the three projects are still in the

development stage, are being presented at the South by Southwest to assess its market potential and get feedback from participants in the annual technology and music festival



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